how to grow your own catnip

What is Catnip?

The Catnip plant (Nepeta cataria) is a type of plant that lives for more than two years and does well in many areas of North America. It is easy to grow. This plant has a growth habit that forms small clusters, with square stems and triangular to oval leaves that are gray-green with toothed edges–about 3 inches long. Flower spikes appear during the late spring through early fall seasons, bearing clusters of small blooms that are white with light purple markings.

The catnip plant grows very quickly and can easily spread to other areas if it is not controlled. It is considered harmful in some parts of the United States, such as West Virginia and Maryland. The plant will reach its full size in one season. Plant it during springtime. Even though many cats like catnip, the oils from the plant can actually be poisonous to them.

How To Plant Your Own Catnip

When to plant catnip

Plant catnip in the spring after the threat of frost has passed in your area. Start catnip seeds indoors around six weeks prior to your projected last frost date.

Where to plant catnip

Catnip grows best in sunlight and well-drained soil. If there are taller plants around, make sure they don’t block the sun from reaching the catnip during the day. However, if it’s hot where you live, your catnip plant will appreciate some afternoon shade. Catnip also does great in containers; in fact, planting it in something like a pot, raised garden bed, or stone wall will help contain its spread. You can even grow an indoor catnip plant–all you need is a sunny windowsill with direct light.

Catnip grows best when it gets six hours of sunlight each day. If it does not get enough light, the catnip will not grow well and the leaves will be spread out. If you live in a place with hot weather, the afternoon sun might be too intense for the catnip. Give it some partial shade to protect it from the sun.

The best temperature for catnip to grow is between 55 and 85 degrees. The plant is more likely to die in hot, humid climates. To avoid problems with mold (a common problem in high humidity), make sure there is good air circulation around the plant.

How to Plant Catnip

Place catnip plants 18 to 24 inches apart in the garden. Position nursery plants and seedlings at the same depth they were in their previous container. Lightly cover seeds with soil. A support structure is typically not necessary for catnip.

If your plant can drain water well, it will be okay. These plants can even grow in poor quality soils that are rocky or dry. If you want to give your plant the best chance to grow, try planting it in a soil that drains well and is sandy or loamy with a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline pH level (6.1 to 7.8).

To make your catnip plants grow better, mix some compost into the soil before planting them. After that, they won’t need extra food. But if your soil is not very good, you can use a liquid plant food or put more compost on the soil each spring.

Not only is catnip a self-pollinating plant, but it will also attract bees and other pollinators to the garden.

How to Care for Your Catnip Plant

Catnip is a very drought-tolerant plant, and sitting in waterlogged soil can kill it. Keep the soil of seedlings lightly moist but not soggy. Mature plants likely won’t need watering unless you have a prolonged period of drought. If the foliage is wilting, give your catnip a deep watering.

Harvesting Catnip

The best time to harvest catnip is when it’s blooming. You can cut off the entire stem or plant around late morning – after the dew has dried but before it gets too hot outside and wilts the plant. Catnip plants are good for making catnip for your cat’s enjoyment.

Catnip is used in sachets, teas, and cat toys. Hang the stems upside-down on a drying rack or line them up on newsprint in a dark area with good air circulation as soon as possible so they don’t rot; this process usually takes two to three weeks until they’re completely dry. Once dry, crumble the leaves and flowers for use.

How to Grow Catnip in Pots

The benefits of potting your catnip are that it will stop the plant from growing in unwanted areas. Find a pot that is at least 12 inches wide and has a hole for drainage. An unglazed clay container would be perfect because it will allow moisture to escape through cracks in the walls. Use medicinal planting soil to ensure optimal growth for your catnip, and replant it at the same depth as its original location.

Types of Catnip

Besides Nepeta cataria, there are several plants that go by the name catnip, including: 

  • Nepeta citriodora, also called lemon catnip, is slightly smaller than Nepeta cataria and gives off a citrusy smell.
  • Nepeta camphorata: This plant is commonly called camphor catnip, and it only grows to be 2 feet tall and wide.
  • (Nepeta parnassica): This Greek catnip doesn’t grow taller or wider than 2 feet and has light pink flowers.


The best way to keep catnip from spreading is to limit its growth. Prune the flowers before they start to spread their seeds. This will also help new flowers grow. Cut down any new sprouts that appear from underground runners if you don’t want the plant to keep spreading. Furthermore, pinch back the stems on young plants so they grow more bushily. After the first frost in fall, cut back mature plants until only a few inches are left above ground level; they’ll regenerate fresh growth come springtime.”

Propagating Catnip

Unlike other plants, catnip will propagate on its own. However, it’s just as easy to grow the plant from cuttings. Not only does this save you money, but cutting back the stems also causes bushier growth for the parent plant. The optimum time to take cuttings is during spring or early summer. Here’s how:

  1. With sterile shears, cut off a 4- to 6-inch piece of stem at a 45-degree angle just below a leaf node.
  2. Remove the leaves on the lower half of the cutting. 
  3. Place the cutting either in a small container of water or moist soilless potting mix. A healthy root system will typically form in either scenario. Put the container in a warm spot with bright, indirect light.
  4. Change the container water each day, or continue to keep the potting mix moist. 
  5. Roots should appear within a week. Once the plant has produced new foliage growth, it’s ready to be transplanted. 

propagating catnip via division is a great way to give new life to an overgrown plant.. Here’s how:

  1. Dig up the plant, aiming to keep its roots as intact as possible.
  2. Use sterile shears or a sharp spade to divide the clump in half. 
  3. Replant the separate clumps at the same depth they were previously growing.

How to Grow Catnip From Seed

Start your catnip project by planting the seeds indoors about six weeks before the last frost in spring. Put them in a freezer for one night, and then soak them in water for 24 hours. This is called stratification and can help with germination. After that, plant the seeds about 1/8 inch deep into a tray of moistened seed-starting mix.

Place the tray in a warm area with lots of light. Water the soil regularly so it stays moist. The seeds should start growing in about two weeks. Once it is warm enough outside, move the seedlings to your garden.

Potting and Repotting Catnip

When you have catnip plants in a pot, you need to give them more water and food than if they were in the ground. Check the pot often to make sure it does not have too much water. Some signs that it is time to repot the plant are when the roots are coming out of the drainage holes or appearing above the soil line. When you replant, use a pot that is one size larger and add new potting mix. Even if enlarging the container is not required, it is still good to refresh the plant every couple years with fresh potting mix.

Growing Catnip in Winter

If you live in an area where it snows, you need to stop fertilzing your catnip plant in the fall. Also, cut back any new growth so that the cold weather doesn’t damage it. Lastly, don’t water the plant over winter as wet soil during this time can kill it.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Even though catnip is not very likely to get pests or diseases, it can rot if the roots have too much water. And because cats love this plant, they might try to rub against it and hurt the stems. To keep your plant from being ruined, you might want to put up some garden fencing or stakes around it, or grow catnip in a pot instead of in the ground.

Catnip vs. Catmint

The catnip plant Nepeta cataria is often confused with the related plant, catmint (Nepeta mussinii). Both have gray-green foliage on square stems. Catmint blooms longer than catnip and its flowers are purple while those of catnip are primarily white. Only catnip attracts cats– not something that occurs with mint plants. Additionally, landscapers prefer using mint because it has a nicer form than most other ground cover options.