It’s very normal to be worried if you see your cat bleeding from her private area. In general, bleeding from your cat’s vulva indicates that she has a health issue. Your cat may be bleeding from her vulva for a number of reasons, including cystitis, uterine infections, trauma, or tumors. At this point, the crucial query appears: What do you do? We advise seeing your veterinarian right away as a first step. This is due to the potentially fatal nature of some of the causes of this symptomatology.
We will talk about the causes of your cat’s urinating blood in this post. We’ll also go over possible treatments in more detail. However, it is crucial that you see your veterinarian as soon as you can if you experience this symptom.
Do cats bleed when in heat?
It’s a common myth that since female cats bleed during heat, so do bitches. However, this is untrue. Cats don’t bleed during the heat cycle. This means that if you see your cat dripping dark or reddish liquid or if you see blood in their poop, it is a sign of pathology. To learn more about the main reasons for cat vaginal bleeding, keep reading.
7 Reasons your cat is bleeding from her private area
1. Cystitis in cats
Cats with cystitis experience bladder irritation. Cats’ cystitis can be brought on by a number of conditions, including kidney illness, an excessive amount of germs, a urinary infection, and trauma such a strike or punch.
Symptoms or signs of cystitis in cats include:
- Anxiety and restlessness, particularly when urinating.
- Meowing due to discomfort.
- Uncontrolled urination.
You will typically see new blood in your cat’s urine if they have cystitis. When examined under a microscope, a veterinarian will also detect the presence of bacteria in the urine. Since cystitis is easily treated with antibiotics—which a veterinarian must prescribe—this pathology typically has a good prognosis.
2. Pyometra in cats
A cat’s uterus becomes infected with pyometra, which is characterized by a buildup of pus. Pyometra in cats is exceedingly harmful and, if untreated, can be fatal. Cats who have not been sterilized and are older than 8 years old are typically affected by pyometra. Or, it’s also been reported to have impacted cats who had hormonal therapy.
When a cat is in its estrus phase, a bacterial contraction causes the illness to manifest (when a cat begins to accept mounting).
There are two types of pyometra:
- Closed: the uterus can rupture and cause a peritonitis if the pus is not expelled.
- Lethargy, dehydration, frequent urination, bleeding with pus, and other symptoms are some of the indications that something is open.
Blood samples and an ultrasound are needed to diagnose this pathology. Surgery and/or medication must be administered to treat pyometra in cats, and both must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

3. Cat miscarriage
If you notice bleeding from your cat’s vulva while she is pregnant, she may be having a miscarriage. The risks will change depending on what stage of pregnancy your cat is in:
- First weeks of pregnancy: It’s possible that it’s because one of the kittens died. Most cats simply absorb the tissue at this stage, when the fetuses are still not fully developed. As a result, there is little chance of complications.
- Middle of the gestation: The mother and the other kittens are probably in danger in this situation. Abortions may happen spontaneously during this stage. frequently brought on by: a severe uterine infection or trauma.
It is crucial to visit the veterinarian right away in both situations. A specialist will be able to evaluate the circumstance and respond appropriately. To determine the cat’s pregnancy status, a veterinarian will probably ask for an ultrasound or x-ray.
4. Cat giving birth
It is typical for a cat to bleed through her vulva during labor and delivery. A cat will not only bleed through her vulva before giving birth, but she will also appear more restless. A pregnant cat will search for a “safe” place to give birth to her kittens. Your cat will release some mucus once it locates this location, which is the mucus plug that signals when delivery is about to occur.
5. Kidney stones in cats
Kidney stones are an extremely inconvenient health issue for cats. Cats with kidney stones experience pain when peeing and are at great risk. Urination that contains blood is one of the main signs of kidney stones in cats. Cats’ kidney stones can be brought on by a variety of factors. Diet is, however, the most typical. A cat who has consumed a diet rich in flour and saturated fats is more prone to kidney stones. This is why feeding your cats a high-quality cat food is advised.
6. Physical trauma in cats
Cats experience physical injury following a severe hit or fall. This kind of trauma might happen as a result of a physical injury to the cat’s body, such as a fall, a hit, or a battle with another cat. It is usual for your cat to bleed through her vulva and/or other body parts when this occurs. In some instances, you might even detect physical signs of injury, such as cuts or bruises, on the cat’s body.
Animal injuries are extremely dangerous because they could result in internal bleeding and possible damage to vital organs. Visit your veterinarian as soon as you can if you believe your cat has suffered any kind of physical trauma or blow.
7. Tumor in cats
A tumor is a growth of tissue that is abnormal. Any portion of the body, including the reproductive, urinary, and renal systems, can develop tumors. Your cat will most likely have symptoms of bleeding from her private area while urinating in these circumstances. The majority of tumors, whether benign or malignant, are undetectable. Consequently, a trip to the vet is required right away in order to treat and diagnose this case.
What must I do if my cat is bleeding from her private area?
It can be extremely unsettling to see your cat bleeding from her private area, but try to keep your composure. Consult a vet as soon as you can if you notice this kind of bleeding in your cat. Additionally, if an illness that causes urination bleeding is not treated in a timely manner, it may be fatal. As a result, quick action is needed.
Additionally, keep in mind that you should never allow your cat to self-medicate or ignore signs of illness, pain, or discomfort. This essay serves only as information. AnimalWised lacks the legal right to diagnose a condition or recommend a course of treatment for animals. We encourage you to take your pet to the vet if they experience any pain or illness.
FAQs: My cat is bleeding from her private area
The answer is both yes and no.
Yes, female cats do experience a period-like event called a heat cycle, during which they exhibit hormone-induced behaviors and become receptive to mating. During a heat cycle, female cats may display increased vocalization, increased grooming, and increased affection towards humans. They may also rub up against furniture or other surfaces and roll around on the floor.
No, female cats do not experience a menstrual cycle like humans do, nor do they bleed during a heat cycle. What may look like bleeding is actually a clear to light brown discharge, which is a normal part of the heat cycle process. This discharge helps to attract male cats and is usually not cause for concern.
If your cat is bleeding, it is important to determine the cause of the bleeding and take action as soon as possible. While minor wounds such as scratches or minor cuts may not pose a serious threat to your cat’s health, more serious bleeding could indicate a more serious problem that requires immediate medical attention.
If your cat is bleeding from her private parts, it’s important to take her to the vet as soon as possible. Bleeding from the private parts can be caused by a variety of factors, including infection, trauma, tumors, and even more serious medical conditions such as cancer.
When you take your cat to the vet, make sure to provide them with as much information as possible. This includes any details you can recall, such as when the bleeding started, any changes in behavior or appetite, and any other symptoms you’ve noticed. This will help the vet to accurately diagnose and treat your cat’s condition.
The vet may conduct an examination and take blood and urine samples to determine the cause of the bleeding. Depending on their findings, they may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to treat any underlying conditions that may be causing the bleeding.
In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove a tumor or other growth. If this is the case, your vet will discuss the risks and benefits with you before proceeding.
Finally, your vet may suggest making changes to your cat’s diet and lifestyle to help prevent further bleeding.