Maine Coons are a very unique breed, both in their physical appearance and personality. And it might seem like an easy task distinguishing whether a particular Maine Coon is a mix or a purebred. After all, you can’t miss their large size, lynx-tipped ears and lion-like face. However, sometimes a mixed breed cat can look just like the purebred, and you must look for very subtle signs to tell otherwise. In this article we’ll go over what a Maine Coon mix is and how to identify one.
Types of Maine Coon Mixes
There are a lot of possible ways a Maine Coon can be a mix, from mixes with other breeds to mixes with stray cats.
Sometimes breeders like to mix a Maine Coon with another cat breed to bring out the unique characteristics in both. Some examples of this might be Siamese and Maine Coon mixes or Persian and Maine Coon mixes. Although this might not be the most common way Maine Coons end up as mixes, it can certainly be one of the most exotic.
Most of the Maine Coon mixes you’ll find are probably going to be with just a regular house cat. This is because Maine Coons are one of the most common breeds in the United States, and sometimes our pet cats will come in contact with other cats that haven’t been neutered, like stray cats.
Another aspect to consider is how many times has the Maine Coon line been interbred with other cats. Just one mixed breeding with a Maine Coon and another cat might not make much of a physical difference from that of a purebred Maine Coon, but many successive breedings between the Maine Coon mixes will dilute the Maine Coon’s genes, and the litters will become less and less like Maine Coons.
How to Tell if Your Maine Coon is a Mix

At first glance it might seem easy to know for sure whether a cat is a Maine Coon, but that’s because we can oftentimes be fooled as long as the most distinct signs (the lynx-tipped ears and lion-like face) are present. There are more subtle characteristics to look out for to help identify a mixed breed Maine Coon.
Obvious Signs of Maine Coon Mix
There are a few big pointers that can indicate with high certainty that your Maine Coon is not a purebred. Maine Coons are big cats, averaging between 12 to 18 pounds when fully grown. While it’s possible for a Maine Coon to be slightly smaller than average (a runt of the litter), most will be larger than the average house cat.
Another characteristic to look out for is the big, fluffy coat. Maine Coons are considered longhair cats, so a Maine Coon with short to medium-length hair is very likely not a purebred Maine Coon.
Maine Coons have a very distinct face that resembles that of a lion and pointy, lynx-tipped ears. Any cat that does not have the distinctly recognizable Maine Coon head is likely not a purebred Maine Coon.
Less Obvious Signs of Maine Coon Mix

Aside from the big characteristics that most people can identify, there are more subtle signs of a Maine Coon mix that only well-versed Maine Coon experts would be able to notice. Some of these aren’t necessarily surefire indicators that a cat is a mix, but combined together can help make an overall judgement call.
Colors and Patterns
Although Maine Coons can come in a very wide variety of colors and patterns, there are a few that are not recognized by breed standards such as the ticked pattern tabby. Unusual coloration in general might be a sign that a Maine Coon is a mix as there are some colors and patterns that are just far less common in purebred Maine Coons.
Extra Toes
Some Maine Coons can be polydactyl, meaning they have extra toes on some of their feet. Although most Maine Coons do not have extra toes, ones that do are almost a sure sign that the cat is a purebred Maine Coon. This is because both Maine Coon parents must have a gene mutation called the “Hemingway mutation” in order for polydactyly to happen, and Maine Coons are one of the very few purebred cats to have this gene.
Neck Hair
Aside from just having longer hair in general, Maine Coons specifically have a ruff of hair around their neck that’s longer than the hair on the rest of their body. It almost looks like a mini lion’s mane, and a lot of regular domestic house cats do not have this.
Maine Coon Registration Papers
The only way to really tell for sure whether a cat is a purebred Maine Coon is to have their registration papers from the breeder certifying that both parents and the kittens have been registered as Maine Coons.
These papers usually show at least three generations of Maine Coon parents and their cattery names, and are required to show a Maine Coon at a cat show.
Many times you won’t get these papers if adopting a Maine Coon, so you won’t know for sure whether or not they’re a mix or a purebred. Regardless of their official status, though, they’re most certainly deserving of all the love and attention you can give as a cat owner.
FAQs: Maine Coon Mix
The Maine Coon is a hybrid breed, meaning it is a mix of two different breeds. The two breeds that make up the Maine Coon are the American Shorthair and the Norwegian Forest Cat. The American Shorthair adds the larger size and full coat that is characteristic of the Maine Coon, while the Norwegian Forest Cat adds the long, flowing coat.
The American Shorthair was bred in the United States in the 19th century from a variety of cats from England and Europe. These cats were bred for their hardiness and hunting ability, and they are known for their strength and intelligence. They have a broad, strong face and a dense, short coat that is available in many colors and patterns.
The Norwegian Forest Cat, also known as the Skogkatt, is believed to have arrived in Norway as early as the 1500s. They are known for their long, lush coats, which can come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are also known for their intelligence and friendly nature.
When these two breeds are combined, the result is a larger, more luxurious cat with a long, flowing coat.
Maine Coon mixes are good cats, but it all depends on the individual personality of the cat. Generally, Maine Coon mixes are friendly, outgoing, and loyal cats. They are also very intelligent and can be easily trained. Maine Coon mixes have a strong prey drive and can be very playful.
Maine Coon mixes typically have medium to long coats that require frequent grooming to keep them looking their best. They have thick fur that can help them stay warm in cold climates. Maine Coon mixes are also known for their extra-large sizes. They are typically larger than other cat breeds, so they will need a home that can accommodate their size.
Maine Coon mixes make great family pets as they are very affectionate and loyal. They get along well with other cats and dogs, and they can be very protective of their owners. They are also very social cats and do well in households with multiple cats.
The simple answer is: yes, Maine Coon mixes can get quite big!
Maine Coon mixes come in all sizes, from the tiny teacup size to the large, regal cats. Though the average Maine Coon mix weighs between 10-15 pounds, it is possible for them to reach up to 20 pounds or more. Maine Coon mixes can be just as big as their purebred cousins, which can weigh up to 25 pounds.
The size of a Maine Coon mix will depend on the other breed in the mix. If a Maine Coon is crossed with a large breed, such as the Persian or the Maine Coon itself, the kitten will be larger than if it is crossed with a smaller breed like the Siamese or the Russian Blue. Additionally, males are typically larger than females, so if you’re looking for a larger cat, you may want to consider a male.
The average lifespan of a Maine Coon mix cat is between 10 and 15 years, which is comparable to that of a purebred Maine Coon. While this is the average lifespan, some Maine Coon mix cats may live well into their twenties. Factors such as diet, exercise, and genetics can all affect the lifespan of a Maine Coon mix cat.
It is important to note that the lifespan of a Maine Coon mix cat may be shortened if the cat is not well cared for. Regular veterinary visits and preventive care are necessary to maintain the health of your pet. Providing a balanced diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates is also important for your Maine Coon mix cat.
The answer is no. Maine Coons are not related to bobcats in any way. In fact, Maine Coons are just a breed of domestic cats that have been bred for their unique looks and personalities. They have been around for centuries and started out as farm cats in the Northeastern United States.
Maine Coons are known for their large size and fluffy coats, which is why they are often mistaken for bobcats. However, bobcats are wild animals that are not related to domestic cats in any way. They have short, sleek fur, different facial features, and a much smaller size than Maine Coons.
The biggest misconception about Maine Coon cats is that they are a crossbreed between cats and raccoons. This misconception likely arose due to the fact that Maine Coon cats have long, shaggy fur that sometimes has a banded pattern similar to that of a raccoon. In addition, they also have a bushy tail and large paws that somewhat resemble those of a raccoon.
However, while Maine Coon cats may have some physical characteristics similar to raccoons, they are not actually related to raccoons in any way. Maine Coon cats are a naturally occurring breed of domestic cat, meaning they evolved without any human intervention. In fact, the breed has been around since the early 1800s, long before anyone even thought to crossbreed cats and raccoons.