Hairless Siamese cats don’t actually exist as a breed. When people see a cat that looks like a hairless Siamese cat, they’re probably seeing a Sphynx cat or Peterbald cat. These cats are hairless and can have seal point pattern (the classic Siamese pattern). They are also tall and thin with big ears, making them look like a hairless wedge Siamese cat. In the end, it’s easy to see how someone might think a Sphynx or Peterbald cat is a hairless Siamese cat.
Do Hairless Siamese Cats Exist?
Hairless Siamese cats do not really exist, as least as a breed standard. In very rare cases a genetic mutation can make any cat, including Siamese cats, hairless. This gene is called the Sphynx gene, and happens naturally in cats from time to time.
When most people think of a hairless cat they’re thinking of a Sphynx cat, which is an actual breed of cat. The Sphynx cat is a breed of cat that is hairless or nearly hairless. This breed was first developed in the late 1960s in Canada and is the result of a genetic mutation. The breed has since been selectively bred to produce cats with the characteristic hairless look.
Read More: Origins of the Sphynx Cat
Breeds of Hairless Cats
There are a few popular breeds that tend to be hairless. The most common hairless breed is the Sphynx. This breed is known for its wrinkly skin, large ears, and friendly personality. The Peterbald is another hairless breed, though it does have some fur. The Donskoy is similar to the Peterbald but has slightly longer fur. The Bambino is another breed with no fur, and it has an almost dog-like personality. Lastly, the Lykoi is a unique-looking breed with a wolf-like appearance due to its short coat.

Sphynx Cats that look like Hairless Siamese Cats
If you see a cat that looks like a hairless Siamese cat, you’re probably looking at either a Sphynx or Peterbald cat with Siamese-like markings. These cats also can have blue eyes and have long noses and big ears like a wedge Siamese cats. For this reason many people mistake Sphynx or Peterbald cats for hairless Siamese cats.
Seal Point Hairless Cats
Siamese cats are known specifically for their seal point pattern. This pattern makes the “points” (a.k.a. the ears, nose, paws and tip of the tail) darker than the rest of the body. So a Siamese might have a cream-colored body but dark grey or brown points.
Other cat breeds such as Ragdolls and Sphynx cats can have a seal point pattern. This is why when you think you see a hairless Siamese cat, you’re probably seeing a Sphynx cat with seal point pattern.
Wedge Siamese Cats
A wedge Siamese cat is a rare type of Siamese cat that has a unique wedge-shaped head. This breed is a cross between the traditional Siamese cat and a Persian or Angora cat, and it has a long, slender body and short legs. The wedge-shaped head is a result of a genetic mutation that occurred in the late 1960s.
These cats are known for their large, round eyes and short, silky fur. The fur is usually cream or white in color, although some cats may have a faint blue or gray hue. Some wedge Siamese cats may also have blue or green eyes.
Wedge Siamese cats are intelligent and have an outgoing personality. They tend to be quite vocal, and they love to be around their owners. They are very affectionate and enjoy playing with toys. They are also very active, so they need plenty of exercise and stimulation to stay healthy.
It’s easy to see how someone might think a Sphynx or Peterbald cat is actually a hairless wedge Siamese cat. They look very similar; the only different is the hair.

Genetic Mutation in Hairless Cats
Genetic mutation in hairless cats is an interesting phenomenon that has been around for centuries. While most cats have fur, some cats are born with a genetic mutation that results in them being hairless. This mutation is known as a Sphynx gene, but really any cat can technically get it randomly.
The genetic mutation that causes hairlessness in cats is a recessive gene, meaning that it must be passed down from both parents in order for the hairless trait to be expressed. So technically a Siamese cat can be hairless, but it’s an extremely rare phenomenon.
What cat looks like a Siamese but isn’t?
Many cat lovers are familiar with the majestic looks of the Siamese, but there are actually a number of breeds that resemble the Siamese, but aren’t actually Siamese cats. These breeds can be just as beautiful and loving as a purebred Siamese, but they may have different characteristics and temperaments.
The Oriental Shorthair is one of the most popular cats that look like a Siamese but isn’t. It is a cross between a Siamese and an Abyssinian and has a similar look to the Siamese, with a long, slender body, large ears and almond-shaped eyes. The Oriental Shorthair has a more outgoing and extroverted personality, and its coat can come in a variety of colors and patterns, including tabby and tortoiseshell.
The Balinese is another breed that looks like a Siamese, but isn’t. It has the same long, slim body as the Siamese, but has a denser coat and a more laid-back personality. The Balinese comes in a variety of colors, including seal and blue point, and its coat can be either long or short.
The Bombay is a third breed that looks like a Siamese, but isn’t. It has a sleek, muscular body and a tuxedo-like coat that comes in only one color: black. This breed is known for its intelligence and curiosity, and is often used in agility competitions.
The Himalayan is a fourth breed that looks like a Siamese, but isn’t. It has a more cobby body than the Siamese and a longer, thicker coat. The Himalayan coat comes in a variety of colors, including seal point, chocolate point and lilac point. This breed has a sweet, gentle personality and is often used as a therapy cat.
FAQs: Hairless Siamese Cat
Sphynx cats are not completely hairless, but they do have very short and fine downy fur that is almost invisible to the naked eye. This type of cat does not shed, which means that they are often better for people with allergies. They also have a unique look and personality, making them a great choice for many pet owners.
Sphynx cats require a bit more care than other cats due to their lack of fur. They require regular bathing and moisturizing to keep their skin healthy and hydrated. They also need to stay warm in the winter since they have less insulation than other cats.
The question of whether or not a Sphynx is a Siamese can be confusing, given the two breeds’ similarities. Both the Sphynx and the Siamese cats are characterized by their slender bodies, their large ears, and their blue eyes. They also both have a fairly distinct vocalization pattern.
The answer is, a Sphynx is not a Siamese. Though the breeds share many physical features, a Sphynx is its own distinct breed, with its own unique history and characteristics.
1. Siamese cats are very vocal. They like to talk and they don’t like to be ignored. If you have roommates, neighbors, or if you live in an apartment, your Siamese cat’s loud vocalizations could be a problem.
2. Siamese cats are also very active and love to play. If you’re not ready for a high-energy cat, then this breed may not be the right choice for you.
3. Siamese cats are also prone to separation anxiety. If you’re away from home for long periods of time, your cat may become stressed and act out.
4. Siamese cats can also be very demanding. They want your attention and they can be very persistent in their attempts to get it. If you’re not ready for a cat that demands your attention, then you should look for another breed.
5. Siamese cats are also sensitive to changes in their environment and routine. They can become stressed easily and may develop behavioral problems as a result.
The Sphynx cat is a breed of cat known for its lack of fur. While bald cats have been around for centuries, the Sphynx is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the 1960s. As a result, they are still relatively rare, with an estimated worldwide population of around 10,000.
The Sphynx is a unique breed of cat, and is often sought after by cat lovers. They are very social cats, and enjoy being around people. They are also very intelligent, and can easily be trained to do tricks. They are also very affectionate and loyal, making them great companions.
Since the Sphynx is so rare, they are often quite expensive to purchase. Prices can range anywhere from $500 to $3000, depending on the breeder and the quality of the cat. The cost of caring for a Sphynx can also be higher than other cats, due to the fact that they require regular bathing and nail trimming.
The rarity of the Sphynx cat also makes it more difficult to find a reputable breeder. Finding a reputable breeder is important, as it helps ensure that the cat is healthy and has been bred responsibly.