why do cats like boxes

Most cat owners have experienced the frustrating phenomenon of buying an expensive new bed or toy for their beloved pet, only to find that they would rather sleep in or play with the box it came in. In this article, we will explore the concept of why cats like boxes and offer some insight into how you can better provide for your feline friend.

Why do cats like boxes?

The primary reason cats love boxes so much is because they’re enclosed spaces– and cats are ambush predators. Therefore, it’s instinctive for them to find places where they can hide, hunt their prey, and feel safe and warm. Snug cardboard boxes fill that need perfectly!

Boxes are safe

When cats spend time in cardboard boxes, it’s because they feel safe and secure in small, enclosed spaces. From inside a box, cats can see potential predators coming from any direction– meaning nothing can take them by surprise. Hiding in boxes also provides an opportunity for your pet to stalk its prey (or you) without being seen first!

Cats enjoy boxes because they are Calming, offer a secluded area to watch from, and provide a feeling of safety. When cats get stressed, their natural reaction is usually to hide away somewhere. This instinct comes from the fact that cats don’t have in-built conflict resolution strategies and would rather avoid their problems altogether if possible.

They help cats to adapt

A study recently released by the University of Utrecht found another reason why cats are so fond of boxes. The study was conducted using a sample group of shelter cats, half of which were given boxes to play in, and the other half remained box-less.

The research discovered that the cats with the boxes actually recovered faster and adapted to their environment quicker. This shows that boxes are incredibly beneficial for cats to help deal with change! Read our guide to cat anxiety for more tips on treating it.

Cardboard is a great insulator

Not only does cardboard act as a great insulator, but the small space that boxes offer also encourages your cat to curl up and relax, making it a comfy, warm space. The ideal temperature for cats to be comfortable is around 37°C, so being warm is crucial for your feline’s comfort.

Cats are just curious

It’s no mystery that cats are naturally curious creatures. So, whenever you bring home a new purchase, expect your feline friend to immediately inspect it. Not only does the item emit a different scent, but your cat wants to see what purpose it serves in their domain. If The purchased item comes in a box, don’t be alarmed if you see your pet rubbing themselves all around it and having a good look!

They make great places to sleep

Cats love to sleep in boxes because they provide a safe and comfortable space. cats spend up to 18 hours every day sleeping, so finding the perfect spot is important. A box gives your cat their own personal space where they can feel relaxed and secure. We recommend giving your cat a box in your home for them to escape to when they need some time alone.

Texture of Boxes

In addition to being the perfect size, cats also love boxes because of the texture. Cardboard is ideal for your cat to bite and scratch, making it a great toy. In fact, many owners find that their cats simply love to chew and shred cardboard boxes into bits! To your cat, a plain old box makes an interesting and fun toy that can keep them entertained for hours on end.

Big Cats Like Tigers and Lions Love Boxes, too

It may surprise you to learn that big cats share lots of the same characteristics as your pet cat. When big cats living in wildlife reserves and zoos were given cardboard boxes, they had just as much fun as your cat would! They were seen jumping in and out of the boxes, sitting in them and generally having a great time.

There are so many reasons that can explain why cats think boxes are irresistible, but largely it comes down to the fact that they are enclosed spaces.