Arizona is home to a number of reputable Maine Coon breeders. If you are looking for a new furry family member, here are some of the best Maine Coon breeders in Arizona.

Cattery NameLocationWebsite
Game on CatsSun Tan Valley
Red Button Maine CoonsMesa
Suncoon Maine CoonsPhoenix
Advent Hill CatteryScottsdale
Rasputin’s PridePhoenix
Legend TalesGilbert
Dream CoonN/A
Mistyc CoonsPhoenix

FAQs: Maine Coon Breeders in Arizona

Are Maine Coons legal in Arizona?

Maine Coons are legal in Arizona, as long as the owner is able to provide proper care for the cat. The state does not restrict ownership of Maine Coons; however, like any other animal, there are certain regulations. The most important is spaying/neutering, which is required for all cats in Arizona. Additionally, cats must be vaccinated against rabies, and owners must provide adequate food, water, veterinary care and a safe environment.

Maine Coons can make great pets, as they are known to be intelligent, loyal and affectionate. They are also known to be quite independent, so they may not be the best choice for those who are looking for a more cuddly companion. Maine Coons do require regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and looking good, so they may not be the best choice for someone with limited time.

Are Maine Coons good in hot weather?

Maine Coons are generally well-equipped to handle hot weather. They have thick, plush fur coats that do an excellent job of keeping them cool. Additionally, their large size helps them to dissipate heat. They also have large ears that help cool their bodies by releasing excess heat. They are also known for their great climbing abilities and can often be found lounging in high, cool spots around the house on hot days.

How much do Maine Coons cost in Arizona?

The cost of an adult Maine Coon in Arizona can range from $400 to $1,500. This price can depend on the age of the cat, the quality of the breeder, and the color and gender of the cat. As with kittens, a higher quality breeder located in a more expensive area will charge more for their cats than an inexperienced breeder located in a more affordable area.

In summary, the cost of a Maine Coon in Arizona will depend on a number of factors, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $1,800 for either a kitten or an adult ca

Do Maine Coons do well as indoor cats?

Maine Coons are known for their intelligence and adaptability, which make them excellent indoor cats. They can be quite independent and will often find ways to keep themselves entertained. If given enough space, they will explore and play on their own. Maine Coons are also known for being quite affectionate and loyal companions, so they make great pets.

Maine Coons are also excellent hunters and will often help keep your home free of pests. They are also known for their love of napping, so they can be quite low-maintenance cats. If you’re looking for a cat that can easily adjust to an indoor lifestyle, the Maine Coon is the perfect choice.

Maine Coons are also known for their long, thick coats that require regular brushing and grooming. They are also prone to obesity, so it’s important to make sure they get plenty of exercise and a balanced diet. Overall, Maine Coons can make wonderful indoor cats with the right care and attention.