We’ve all seen the classic jump-scare tactic of surprising a cat with a cucumber. But why are cats so afraid of cucumbers in particular? Well, cats are mostly likely afraid of cucumbers because they resemble snakes.
You’ve probably experienced something similar before, where you caught a glimpse of something you thought was a snake or spider and jumped backward in fear. Cats are just exhibiting the same response when they’re startled by cucumbers.
Why are cats scared of cucumbers?
It’s not fully understood exactly why cats are afraid of cucumbers, but there are a few theories. The fact that cats seem to be specifically afraid of cucumbers means there is something about the shape, size, and smell of the vegetable that scares them.
1. Cucumbers look like snakes.
It’s very likely that cats are afraid of cucumbers because of an instinctual fear of snakes. It’s an evolutionary advantage for animals to fear creatures that are dangerous or poisonous to them. Many snakes are venomous, which is why a lot of people are scared of them as well. Therefore, a fear of snakes and snake-like objects is a survival advantage, as you’re more likely to avoid them.
Likewise, cats probably evolved to be afraid of snakes. Cucumbers look a bit like snakes, so upon first glance they can startle your cat. Have you ever been walking through the woods and gotten started by a stick that looked like a snake? Most people have it, and cats probably experience the same feeling when a cucumber suddenly appears.
Some people argue against this theory, though. Many cats don’t seem to fear snakes and will actually hunt them. The same goes for spiders and rats; cats simply aren’t as afraid of creepy-crawlies as humans are. So whether or not the snake theory is true remains to be tested.
2. Cucumbers are unfamiliar
Similar to the “cucumbers look like snakes” theory, just the fact that cucumbers are unique and unfamilar might be a factor. Cats become used to objects they see all the time. Cucumbers are unlike most things cats see and are used to. Therefore, when they first catch sight of a cucumber, their brain sends signals of possible danger, and their instinct is to jump away.
3. It’s all a coincidence
Finally, there might just be some level of coincidence involved in cucumbers scaring cats. Whenever people scare their cats with a cucumber, they always set it just out of sight, where the cat can’t see it. Then, they get the cat’s attention, so it turns its head, and BOOM, it’s startled by the sight of the cucumber suddenly being there.
It’s possible cats would be startled by a lot of other objects that suddenly appear, like an avocado or a banana. In fact, there is some video evidence on the web of cats being scared by bananas.
For some reason, the cucumber scaring trick took off, and so most people assume cucumbers are particularly unique in this way.
Here is a link to some videos of cats being afraid of cucumbers.
Are cats more afraid of certain types of cucumbers?
While there are tons of videos of cats being scared by all types of cucumbers, there are a few shapes that seem to be the scariest. Long, skinny cucumbers are the most feared by cats, probably because they look the most like snakes. Short, fat cucumbers are less likely to send your cat sailing away, but they still have some scare factor to them.
Are cats afraid of zuccini?
Similar to their fear of cucumbers, cats will be startled when suddenly presented with a zucchini. Really, anything with a similar shape, size, and color to a cucumber will startle your cat. As mentioned earlier, zuccinis resemble snakes at first glance, which is most likely why cats are afraid of them.
Interestingly, cats being afraid of zucchini hasn’t really taken off as an internet sensation in the same way cucumbers have. Maybe this is simply a coincidence, and maybe this is because zucchinis are inherently less comical vegetables than cucumbers. The world will never know.
Are cats scared of bananas?
As you might have guessed by now, cats can also be scared by bananas. While it isn’t as widespread a phenomenon as cucumbers, bananas have been known to give cats the jumps.
Every cat responds differently to bananas, cucumbers, and zuccinis based on their color and shape. Also, how familiar a cat is with each food item also determines their scare factor. If you leave bananas out on the counter all the time, your cat is less likely to be startled by one.
Are cats afraid of rubber snakes?
Like cucumbers, rubber snakes will most likely startle your cat as well. Strategically placing a rubber snake just out of sight will send your cat sailing through the air once they turn their heads. However, your cat will quickly get used to the rubber snake when they realize it doesn’t move and will no longer fear it.

Why are cats afraid of snakes?
Snakes eat cats
Most people have seen tropical constrictor snakes. Big old boas, pythons, and anacondas can grow to be more than 15 feet long and have bodies that are thicker all over than your thigh. Some of these animals can consume prey as large as lambs in zoos and antelope in the wild. Your cat pal would serve as the starter. When a cat bothers or threatens them, even boas and pythons under 6 feet long have been known to kill them.
Poisonous snakes
When outdoor cats come into contact with venomous snakes, it poses the greatest risk to their safety. If your cat is bitten by a venomous snake, you might not realize it in time to get them to a vet.
Should I not scare my cat with a cucumber?
While it may be amusing to scare your cat with a cucumber, it can actually be stressful for your cat. Being startled releases stress hormones and adrenaline, which can leave your cat feeling shaken for a while.
You also don’t want your cat to feel unsafe in their home or around people. If you scare your cat with a cucumber, especially multiple times, it might make them more nervous in general.
Medical issues associated with stress include vomiting, diarrhea, and hair loss. Cats that feel stressed or threatened will look for an escape route, which can lead to physical injury as they are jumping, leaping, or running away.
Your cat might also lash out at you or other pets in anger. This is a completely normal and avoidable response.
Can cats eat cucumbers?
Cats can actually eat cucumbers, as there is nothing toxic about the vegetable for them. However, because cats are carnivores, they need meat in order to get nutrients. As a result, vegetables like cucumbers are nutritionally empty for them.
In fact, too much cucumber can upset your cat’s stomach and cause diarrhea. We don’t recommend feeding your cat cucumbers, but a few pieces every once in a while won’t hurt them.
Why do cats jump so high when they’re frightened?
Part of what’s so amusing about cats being frightened by cucumbers is just how high they leap when they’re startled. This quick and powerful reflex is instinctual, and cats will leap backwards if other things startle them as well.
Jumping high and backwards quickly gets a cat away from possible dangers, such as predators or poisonous creatures. Even though domesticated cats are completely safe in homes now, their instincts still hold strong.