Black cats have long been a source of superstition and intrigue, often associated with witches and bad luck. But beyond these myths and legends, black cats are fascinating creatures with unique characteristics and behaviors that make them a beloved member of any household. Here are six fascinating black cat facts you may not know:
1. There are 22 breeds of cat that can be all black

While black cats are often associated with the classic American shorthair or domestic cat, there are actually 22 different breeds of cat that can be all black. Some of these breeds include the Bombay, Cornish Rex, and Scottish Fold.
2. All black coloring comes from a dominant gene that is more prevalent in male cats

The black coat of a cat is a result of a dominant gene that can be passed down from generation to generation. Interestingly, this gene is more common in male cats than in females.
3. Black cats can rust in sunlight, turning their coat into a brownish-red color

Although it may be hard to believe, black cats can actually rust in the sun. Exposure to sunlight can cause the black pigment in their coat to break down, resulting in a brownish-red color.
4. Most black cats have yellow eyes
While black cats can have a range of eye colors, most of them have yellow eyes. This is due to the high concentration of melanin in their bodies, which gives them their dark coat and eye color.
5. Black cats have two holidays

Black cats have not one, but two holidays dedicated to them! Black Cat Appreciation Day falls on August 17th, and National Black Cat Day is celebrated on October 27th.
6. The RSPCA has reported that 70% of the abandoned cats in their care are black
It’s a sad fact that black cats are often overlooked and undervalued when it comes to adoption. According to the RSPCA, 70% of the abandoned cats in their care are black. This may be due to various factors such as superstitions, lack of photogenic appeal, or simply not standing out in a crowd. However, black cats are some of the most affectionate and outgoing cats on the planet, and make wonderful companions for any household.
7. In some cultures, black cats are considered good luck
For example, in Japan, owning a black cat is believed to bring wealth and prosperity.
8. Black cats have been the subject of many myths and superstitions throughout history

In some European cultures, it was believed that black cats were witches in disguise, and that petting one could bring bad luck. However, in other cultures, black cats were thought to have magical powers that could protect people from harm.
9. There is a genetic link between black cats and resistance to certain diseases
According to some studies, black cats may be less likely to develop certain types of cancer and immune disorders.
In conclusion, black cats are more than just symbols of bad luck or witches’ familiars. They are fascinating creatures with unique traits and personalities, and deserve to be loved and appreciated for who they are.