can cats eat beans

Cats can eat beans, which are full of protein and provide health benefits. However, cats should avoid eating beans that contain additional seasoning or that are not properly cooked.

There are many ways to prepare beans, and even more recipes you can find online. The best way to serve beans is cooked and plain. If you’re looking at recipes, you’ll probably begin to see just how many different types of beans there are out there. So what types of beans can cats eat? And what about those legumes? Keep reading to learn everything about your cat and bean consumption.

Are Beans Safe For Cats To Eat

Beans are a healthy, protein-rich snack for cats. While it’s true that cats are carnivores, they can still benefit from eating beans. Just make sure the beans are plain (without any salt or flavoring) before giving them to your cat.

Can Cats Eat Cooked Beans

There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your cat cooked beans. First, make sure they are not covered in salt and seasoning. Second, cook them thoroughly. And last, avoid uncooked beans altogether.

Can Cats Eat Raw Beans

Raw beans might make your kitty sick since they can be carriers of E. coli, the same bacteria found on contaminated lettuce.

Can Cats Eat Canned Beans

Canned beans are harmful to cats. The salt water that comes with them in a can is what is dangerous for cats. It’s not the beans themselves that are harmful, but the salt water in the can. Cats don’t need all of that extra sodium in their diet on a regular basis, as too much could lead to problems like weight gain or heart trouble down the road. Granted, canned beans might be the easiest type for you to find at your store, but they may not always be best option overall for our feline friends.

Are Kidney Beans Toxic To Cats

Kidney beans are safe for cats to eat. There is no toxicity in kidney beans for your cat, so if you have some and they’re hungry, go ahead and give them a couple. As we covered before: avoid feeding them salt, seasoning, or canned beans.

Are Pinto Beans Safe For Cats

Pinto beans are a good, safe choice to feed your cat since they’re packed with protein like other kinds of beans. These particular beans might be less flavorful than others, but don’t get tempted to season them for your feline friend – it’s not necessary and could even be harmful.

Can Cats Eat Baked Beans

Consuming large amounts of baked beans can be harmful to your cat. The actual bean part is mostly safe, however all the other ingredients like apple cider vinegar, salt, bacon, and barbecue sauce can cause stomach issues.

Store-bought, canned baked beans typically have more salt than homemade counterparts. The high sodium content prevents the growth of bacteria and extends the bean’s shelf life.

Can Cats Eat Black Beans

You can give black beans to your cat, but only sparingly. A buildup of black beans in a cats diet can lead to digestive issues.

Are Refried Beans Bad For Cats

Because they contain high levels of salt, refried beans are not good for cats. In fact, refried beans might have even more salt than baked beans. Additionally, since refried beans are fried, they likely contain oil or fats that can harm your cat. Ultimately, while refried beans aren’t the healthiest option for cats out there–they’re certainly not the best choice either.

Are Soybeans Bad For Cats

While soy and soybeans are found in some types of cat food, you’ll want to ensure that the beans are cooked. Diarrhea is a common symptom in cats who eat raw soy, on top of the potential risk for E. coli contamination.

Can Cats Eat Lentils

Since lentils are found in many kinds of cat food, cats can eat them. However, as we’ve already covered, cats have difficulty digesting lentils, so you’ll want to limit their intake. Like other beans, Lentils still contain the protein that benefits cats’ health; however too much of a good thing can upset your feline friend’s stomach. Even if they seem to enjoy lentils and beg for more, it’s best to say no.

Are Legumes Bad For Cats

Did you know that beans and lentils are classified as legumes? Many people don’t realize this. I certainly didn’t before researching for this article. Even though the word “legume” might make it sound like a type of food that cats should stay away from, cooked legumes are actually safe for them to consume.

What Beans Can Cats Eat

Let’s go over which beans are safe to feed your cat, as most beans that aren’t refried, raw, or canned are generally fine. 

  • Black beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Kidney beans

Although you might not be a fan of beans, they contain protein that your cat needs. If you want to share them with your cat, make sure to avoid any fancy additions and only feed them a small amount. You’ll quickly notice some benefits as your cat ups itsprotein intake.