can cats eat blueberries

Cats can actually eat blueberries as they’re not toxic to cats. They should only eat blueberries in small amounts, though, as their digestive tracts can’t handle fruit very well. Blueberries are nutritionally empty for cats. Their high sugar content can make your cat gain weight if you give them too many.

Are Blueberries Toxic to Cats?

Unlike grapes and apples, blueberries are not toxic to cats. If your cat does happen to eat some blueberries, you don’t have to worry about severe illness or complications.

Are Blueberries Bad For Cats?

In small amounts, blueberries are not bad for cats. However, blueberries are not a natural part of a cat’s essential diet. Cats are carnivores, meaning they need meat to get most of their nutrients. Because of this, blueberries don’t offer much nutritionally for a cat. They can’t easily break down and absorb the nutrients, including the antioxidants, in blueberries.

In fact, in large amounts blueberries can be bad for cats. The high sugar content in blueberries can make your cat gain weight. In addition to that, the high amount of fiber in blueberries can give your cat digestive problems.

Are Blueberries Good for Cats?

Blueberries aren’t necessarily good for cats. Although they are very healthy for people to eat, cats can’t easily digest and get the nutrients from blueberries.

If your cat happens to like blueberries, you can use them as treats to reward and/or train your cat.

How Many Blueberries Can I Give My Cat?

Too many blueberries won’t make your cat sick, but the excessive sugar content can make your cat gain weight. Only feed your cat 2-3 blueberries per week at most. Give your cat blueberries in the same way you’d give your cat treats: sparingly.

Do Cats Like Blueberries?

Cats don’t have the same cravings for sweet things that humans do. As a result, they most likely won’t care for the sweetness of blueberries.

Most cats won’t care to eat or try blueberries. However, every cat is different, and there certainly are a spare few that will give the berry a try.