can cats eat peanut butter

The answer to the question “can cats eat peanut butter” is not a simple one. In general, you should not feed your cat peanut butter because it has no nutritional value can can cause your cat to gain weight. However, if your cat eats a small amount of peanut butter this should not be a cause for concern as it won’t cause any major health issues. Beware of peanut butter containing other ingredients that may be toxic to cats, though.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Cats can technically eat pure peanut butter and digest it just fine. However, peanut butter should not be a main source of food for your cat as it’s high in fat and salt and can make your cat gain weight. Obesity in cats is a huge problem that can lead to diabetes, shortened life, and many other health issues. If your cat is already overweight, do not feed them peanut butter and try to help them lose weight.

The other problem with feeding your cat peanut butter is it may contain other ingredients that are actually toxic to cats. These ingredients are:

  • Xylitol – Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is very toxic to cats. Signs of xylitol poisoning include vomiting, drooling, lethargy, balance issues and even seizures.
  • Sodium (Salt) Natural peanuts don’t contain any sodium, but roasted peanuts, found in many peanut butters, are high in sodium. High amounts of sodium is bad for your cat because it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and/or urination and even depression, seizures and other serious health problems. Much like cats eating cheese, the sodium in human foods can also contribute to heart issues.
  • Sugar – Believe it or not, most peanut butters contain added sugar. This makes it taste better, but can quickly pack on the pounds. Cats should get their energy from protein, not sugar. Excessive sugar will cause weight gain and diabetes in cats, so never feed them products with added sugar.
  • Preservatives and additives – Certain preservatives can extend the shelf life of peanut butter, and additives can improve the taste or consistency. But many manufactured chemicals like these are toxic to cats and can cause health issues if ingested over time.

Do Cats Like Peanut Butter?

Most cats absolutely love peanut butter, usually because of the high fat and sugar content. They’ll lap up peanut butter left on a plate or spoon, which is easily way more than they should be having. Make sure you keep peanut butter stored away and out of reach of your cat as they’ll smell it from far away come looking for it.

Can I Use Peanut Butter as a Treat?

Peanut butter is a great treat for dogs, and is often used in training as a reward. However, because peanut butter is not good for cats, it should not be used as a treat for them. Instead buy packaged cat treats which will not contain toxins to cats. You can also make your own cat treats to save some money.