What is an Elizabethan collar?
An Elizabethan collar, also called an E-collar or the cone of shame, is a hood or cone made of fabric or plastic that serves as a barrier against infection. These collars stop the cat from licking, biting, or scratching an injury on its body, face, or head.
Why does my cat need to wear an Elizabethan collar?
The collar’s main objective is to prevent your cat from intentionally injuring a surgical site or an injured body part. Although many cats initially dislike wearing a safety collar and frequently make vehement attempts to remove it, the majority of cats quickly get used to it. In the first few hours that your cat has the collar on, it’s crucial to keep an eye on her closely to make sure she doesn’t inadvertently get a paw caught in it or suffer any other injuries.
How long does my cat need to wear this collar?
Wear the collar until the wound is completely healed. It could last a few days or several weeks, depending on the type of injury. It’s crucial to adhere to your veterinarian’s advice in order to reduce the amount of time the collar needs to be worn.
Can I take the e-collar off?
This is generally a bad idea because, once removed, these collars can be tricky to replace and reposition on the cat. However, if you are able to provide close supervision, you may occasionally remove your cat’s collar, as recommended by your veterinarian. Make sure you can fit two fingers between the collar and the cat’s neck when replacing the cone. This will stop the collar from sliding forward over your cat’s ears and ensure that it won’t obstruct your cat’s ability to swallow or breathe. Once removed, it can be difficult to replace and reposition these collars on the cat.
If you are unable to properly replace the collar, call your veterinarian right away.
What special care does my cat need when wearing a cone?
With a properly adjusted cone, your cat can eat and drink normally. Although it might be difficult and messy at first, most cats quickly get used to it. To make it simpler for your cat to eat and drink, you might need to raise the food and water bowls or alter their shape. While some cats will initially reject food while wearing the cone, others may find it easier to eat from a plate or saucer rather than a bowl.
The cone needs to be kept spotless and clutter-free. It’s critical to make sure your cat’s neck isn’t being irritated or scratched by the collar. At the very least, this should be done each day. You should brush or groom your cat every day, especially if she has long hair, because she won’t be able to do so while wearing a cone.
My cat can’t groom with a cone on. What should I do?
It’s normal that your cat won’t be able to groom itself while wearing a cone. Instead, while they are wearing their cone, you should groom your cat yourself.
How to groom your cat if they have a cone on
Brushing your cat
Incorporate brushing into your daily routine. One of the best things you can do when your cat isn’t grooming himself as well as he once did is to include regular brushing in your routine. When the cat is brushed from head to tail, loose fur, dirt, and other particles are removed, and circulation and sebaceous gland secretions are boosted. In particular for long-haired cats, this prevents the development of painful mats and restores the coat’s shine and luster.
Take steps to protect yourself and keep your cat calm. In some circumstances, even if your cat resists, you may need to groom him right away. For instance, even if your cat is agitated, it might be necessary to groom him if he has soiled himself. There are a number of ways to help you calm and control your cat in these circumstances.
Use a towel. If the cat needs to be groomed immediately and is agitated, try wrapping him in a towel, leaving only the dirty area exposed. He can become more relaxed if his eyes are covered. Additionally, the towel’s inclusion of his teeth and claws will shield your hands from bites and scratches.
Hold onto your cat’s neck scruff. Holding onto a cat’s scruff, or the skin on the back of its neck, can help some cats relax. Some adults still experience the calming effects of a mother picking up her kittens by the scruff. But don’t pick the cat up by the scruff; just grab a handful of skin and hold it firmly over his shoulder as he lies on a flat surface.
Determine how frequently you should brush your cat. Cats with long hair require frequent brushing, ideally daily. If not, their fur might end up matted and soiled. Cats with short hair can be brushed less frequently, such as once or twice weekly or as necessary.
Be gentle as you brush your cat’s fur. To avoid pulling the fur or frightening your cat, take your time when brushing it. Be aware that older cats with arthritis and painful joints may hiss if you approach their joints. Work slowly and carefully over these areas, as it is all too simple to injure a bony cat by banging a comb or brush against its hips, shoulders, elbows, or knees.
Use the brushing session to examine your cat’s skin. While you are brushing your cat, take some time to examine his skin for any abnormalities, bare or raw patches, or other issues. Contact your veterinarian right away if you notice anything out of the ordinary. While combing your cat, be sure to look for fleas as well. Look for a tiny, shiny, brown insect the size of a sesame seed by parting the fur. Also look for flea dirt. These appear to be tiny dirt specks. Put any suspicious objects on a piece of damp cotton wool. You will notice an orange halo if it is flea dirt because the moisture will rehydrate the dried blood.
Look for lumps and bumps on the cat’s body by running your fingers over it. Take your cat to the vet as soon as you can if you notice a new lump or an existing lump that is growing or seems to bother your cat when you touch it.
Remove debris with a metal comb. To remove dirt and other objects from your cat’s fur, use a metal comb. Additionally, it can assist in detangling the coat, which is particularly helpful for longer-haired cats. Start by brushing your cat’s legs and stomach. After that, comb her back fur, moving up and toward her head. Also brush the tail.
Untangle any knots that you find. Take extra care to remove knots from your cat’s long hair before they grow larger. Untangle any knots you come across gently. You can use your fingers, a mat splitter, or a comb. In order to avoid pulling on the skin as you move through the mat, try to hold onto the mat’s base close to the skin.
Remove mats you can’t untangle. To avoid cutting the cat’s skin, use clippers to remove mats that you cannot untangle rather than scissors. Under their fur, cats’ skin is incredibly thin. Your cat could develop an infection if it gets scratched. Your cat may need stitches in more severe situations. Contact your veterinarian or a cat-experienced groomer if you don’t feel confident removing the mat yourself.
If you don’t have clippers, carefully use scissors. The most secure technique is to slide a comb between the skin and the knot’s base. Then make a cut on the knot side above the comb. The comb protects the skin and lessens your chance of nicking it. Do not attempt this yourself if you are unable to get a comb under the knot; instead, consult a professional groomer or veterinary technician.
Use a brush to remove loose hair. After combing the coat, remove any remaining hair with a rubber or bristle brush. This will gather the last of the stray hairs, and your cat will enjoy it as well. Even cats with short hair need to be brushed regularly to prevent shedding hair from becoming lodged in their coat.
Cleaning your cat’s behind
Remove fecal matter from your cat’s fur as soon as you notice it. Feces getting stuck in the fur under the tail should be a concern if your cat is unable or unwilling to groom itself. This is especially true for pets with diarrhea and long-haired cats. If stuck feces are not removed right away, they may mat in the coat, eventually resulting in skin issues and preventing the cat from defecating normally.
Wear gloves. Put on some rubber or latex gloves before removing feces from your cat’s fur. Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that can be found in cat feces and is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. Have your partner clean the cat if you are expecting (and the litter box).
Clean the hind end with a wet paper towel. Try removing the fecal nuggets from the fur if they are dry. If all else fails, wipe the cat’s hind end with a paper towel that has been dampened. Additionally, there are kitty wipes, which are typically sold in pet supply stores. Use baby wipes, but make sure they don’t have any scent to them. After you clean your cat, he will lick his fur, and if there is any baby wipe residue there, he will eat that. Once daily, or as necessary, clean the area.
Dry your cat with a towel. It’s crucial to dry the area after removing the feces. If your cat is left wet, the fur may mat further and become itchy.
Consider getting your cat’s nails clipped. Consider having the hair around the anus clipped if the matted feces are difficult to remove so that feces won’t get caught in the fur. This procedure is frequently carried out by cat groomers, who call it a “hygiene clip” or “sani-clip.”
Keep the litter box clean. Your cat might try to urinate in the corner of the litter box if it isn’t clean, getting more feces on his fur. He might also try to leave, which would raise the possibility of getting feces on his fur. Every day, clean the litter box. Every one to three weeks, change out the litter.
Wear gloves. Slip on a pair of latex or rubber gloves while cleaning feces from your cat’s fur. Cat feces can contain toxoplasmosis, a parasitic condition that is especially dangerous for pregnant women. If you’re pregnant, have your partner clean the cat (and the litter box).[18]XRes
Cleaning your cat’s face and ears
Remove the crust from around your cat’s eyes. Cleaning the area around the eyes is necessary if your cat’s eyes have crust or if an eye issue is causing tearing or other discharge. The cat will remain at ease and won’t become more irritated as a result. Additionally, you should take your cat to the doctor so they can examine the discharge. Cats occasionally contract colds and other viruses that must be treated with medication. Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to dab away tears. Around the cat’s eyes, remove any crusted debris or other dried or thick material using a piece of moistened cotton. To help stop the spread of infections between the eyes, use a different cloth or cotton ball for each eye. Unless specifically instructed to do so by a veterinarian, avoid using eye washes or drops in the eyes themselves.
Cleanse the facial folds. Flat-faced breeds like the Persian and Himalayan are characterized by prominent facial folds. Particularly for cats with chronic eye discharge, these should be cleaned. In these folds, tears and other discharge can accumulate and put the cat at risk for developing skin conditions. Use a piece of moistened cotton or a moist, soft cloth to gently remove tears and other debris from the area when cleaning the facial folds. Be sure to include the skin on both sides as well as the skin in the folds. Here, chronic moisture is a problem, so use a damp rather than a wet cloth. Wipe the area clean, then gently pat it dry.
Examine and clean the ears. Examine the ears on your cat. There shouldn’t be any debris, wax buildup, or odor, and they should be a soft pink color. Compare one ear to the other; they should both appear the same if you are unsure whether there is a problem or not. You will recognize there is a problem if one side is different from the other in appearance.
You can typically find a liquid ear cleaner at a pet supply store; ask your veterinarian for a recommendation. Apply a little cleaner to a cotton ball. To remove dirt, fold the cat’s ear back and use a cotton ball. Avoid cleaning the ear canal because doing so may result in injury and/or infection. Never insert cotton tips into the cat’s ear canal because you might hurt or harm the cat’s ear if it moves suddenly. Never put water in the ear because doing so softens the skin and increases the risk of ear infections.
Giving Your Cat a Full Bath
Gather your supplies. Gather the necessary materials before involving the cat in the process so that you are ready once you get your cat in the tub. These consist of:
- Cat shampoo: Don’t use dog shampoo.
- A plastic cup or pitcher
- Towels
- Washcloth
- Rubber mat
Prepare the tub or sink. If your sink is large enough, you can either bathe your cat in the tub or in it. Put the rubber mat in the bathtub or sink. The cat won’t slip thanks to this mat. Three to four inches of lukewarm water should be added to the tub.
Begin bathing your cat. Put the cat in the tub while your friend holds the cat’s neck by the scruff. Then, thoroughly wet the fur on your cat using the cup or pitcher. To avoid getting water in your cat’s eyes, nose, or ears, only wet your cat from the neck down. As you do this, speak calmly to your cat to keep him at ease. Be kind and reassuring to him.
Massage a shampoo solution into your cat’s fur. To wash your cat, mix one part cat shampoo with five parts water. While you mix the solution, ask your friend to keep holding your cat’s neck. Do not get any of the solution in your cat’s eyes, ears, or nose. Next, gently massage the shampoo into your cat’s fur using your fingertips. Put on a pair of latex or vinyl gloves if you need to clean around your cat’s behind.
Rinse away the shampoo. Pour warm water over your cat’s fur using the pitcher or cup. Do not touch your nose, ears, or eyes. Make sure the shampoo residue has been completely rinsed from your cat’s fur. To completely remove the soap from your cat’s fur, you might need to use several pitchers or cupfuls.
Dry your cat. When you’re done, ask a friend to help you gently remove your cat from the tub and set him down on a towel. Then, cover your cat once more with a towel to help him dry off and warm up. Bring your cat into a heated space so he can air out.
Getting Your Cat Professionally Groomed
Try professional grooming if you can’t keep up with your cat’s grooming. You might think about bringing your cat to a professional grooming service if you don’t have time to regularly groom your cat or if you’re too busy. A groomer can do things like brush the fur, shave tough mats, clip nails, clean ears, and bathe your pet.