Cat can’t walk after enema

We’d like to offer our knowledge regarding how to care for cats following an enema. Knowing what to anticipate after a cat enema will help you determine how to best console the cat.

If your cat can’t walk properly after having an enema and the problem doesn’t resolve within 24 hours, you should see a vet right away.

ENEMA—one of the most effective cures for constipated cats

We must first understand that an enema is used to relieve constipation before learning more about the enema. Let’s learn a little bit about constipation first, then. Constipation is characterized by irregular or challenging fecal evacuation. Typically, one sees dry, firm fecal particles. Obstipation is a condition that progresses constipation by preventing the passage of a deposit of hard, dry stools. If present for a sizable period of time, this might result in impaction along the entire length of the colon and cause lasting damage.

Enemas appear to be the most frequently prescribed treatment by veterinarians to preserve our animals, other than prokinetics or fluid therapy. If you acquire instructions, you can perform this treatment at home because it is straightforward. Shortly after the veterinarian injects the fluids into the cat’s intestines, the enemas typically start to work. You can administer treatment at home since seeing the veterinarian may be expensive. No matter who administered the medicine, it is imperative to monitor the cat after giving him an enema. The method used to administer the enema and the cat himself both affect post-enema symptoms. Some of the symptoms following a cat enema don’t seem to be so serious. However, you should exercise caution. maintaining the cat inside

Cat Can’t Walk After Enema

An inability to walk is not a common after-effect of an enema. If your cat is wobbly or stumbling after getting an enema, you should see a vet right away. It’s possible the enema was administered wrong or your cat is experiencing a different issue that the enema exacerbated.

What should I expect after a cat enema?

Keep an eye on the litter box after giving the cat an enema. After you implant a tube into their colon and pump the liquids, cats cannot act normally. Each cat will react to shock and internal changes in his body in a unique way. Some symptoms are anticipated to be widespread, while others are uncommon but not necessarily serious. There are some expressions, nonetheless, that none of us anticipate.

runny movement of stool

We’re all looking for it now that we’ve given the cat an enema. Yes, that is a positive outcome overall. Typically, it can’t work quickly enough. However, you should keep a tight eye on the situation for a few days to ensure that the cat is now pooping naturally. It is advised to take good care of the food. Cat food has a big impact on its stools. A cat’s digestive tract cannot process an excessive amount of fat or carbohydrates. Giving children unhealthy food can result in diarrhea or obesity.


Enema administration may negatively affect the rectum or perhaps the cat’s entire digestive system. Watching the process will explain why. The cat’s colon will be lubricated by the veterinarian using a syringe. No matter how small the syringe is, it still has certain negative effects. Cats passively receive an enema and a fluid of lubrication oil, and they are unable to handle it. Vomiting is a common side effect of an enema. However, I suggest you see a veteran if the condition persists and doesn’t show any signs of remission.


Although diarrhea is a painful symptom, it can occasionally occur. Diarrhea is one of the negative effects that the fluid may have. The worst cases of diarrhea are those that persist for a long time without improvement. Diarrhea results in the loss of body water since it indicates that the cat and the enema methods are both malfunctioning (so-called dehydration). Your cat may experience issues with the heart and kidneys if the condition persists. Additionally, diarrhea might be brought on by a poor diet. As a result, you must carefully watch before you can analyze. If something is beyond your control, do not be reluctant to see a veteran.

How to give an enema safely

Choosing a safe enema

We advise administering dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate-containing enemas to cats (which soften stools by adding moisture). Giving an enema can lead to dehydration, which makes it difficult for the feces to exit the body smoothly. One approach is to draw moisture from natural water sources. In addition, water is safe for everyone. Mineral oil is another option, but not for the cat that has kidney issues. The feline Pet-Ema program is suggested. Enema and anything containing sodium phosphate are strictly prohibited. Side effects from absorbing salt or phosphate can be very bad. It makes things worse and hurts the kitties. In the worst instance, a fleet enema’s excess sodium phosphate can result in abrupt death.

Performing enema

If you are comfortable doing it, you can administer an enema to cats at home. Leave the cat with the veterinarian in case you are not there. It is obvious that the veterinarian is aware of what is best for your pet and can guarantee its safety at the same time. Someone is there to help you understand and choose the best answer. You can administer an enema to the cat on your own only when it is suffering from basic constipation. However, if you comprehend everything, heed the specific counsel.

symptoms of feline mobility issues

Watch for significant changes in your cat’s behavior and way of life if you’re concerned that they may be in pain or having mobility issues. If your cat is starting to display any of the following symptoms, it’s crucial to work closely with your veterinarian as there are numerous variables that might cause these changes:

  • Changes in grooming patterns
  • Sleeping more often
  • Increased aggression: biting and scratching when touched
  • Shallow breathing
  • decreased energy level
  • Weak back legs
  • Limping or change in gait
  • Difficulty with or slowing on stairs
  • Dilated pupils
  • Arched spine
  • less eager to jump or an inability to reach higher surfaces

Causes of Cat Mobility Loss or Cat Paralysis

Cats’ paralysis is frequently a sign of an underlying medical problem. If untreated, a cat’s movement may be partially, momentarily, or permanently compromised. When a cat is paralyzed, it could indicate that one or more of its body parts, such as its tail or neck, are no longer mobile. Your cat may not be in pain just because they are dragging their hind legs. It all relies on the underlying illness causing the paralysis if cats drag their rear legs and don’t experience any pain. The following cat health issues may affect how your cat moves:

Arthritis in cats

The most prevalent ailment that affects cats by far is arthritis, yet due to its gradual onset, the symptoms are often overlooked. 90% of cats over the age of 12 experience arthritis discomfort, a significant rise from the 30% of cats over the age of 8 that do. When the cartilage in your cat’s joints deteriorates and deteriorates, degenerative joint disease (DJD) and osteoarthritis develop. Painful joint inflammation results from this joint degeneration.

Feline Diabetes

Senior cats and overweight cats can get diabetes, much like people. Diabetes can cause nerve damage that makes it difficult to walk and stand if it is not addressed. Diabetic cats are at a significant risk of losing their vision and becoming immobile in addition to other difficulties.

Saddle Thrombus

A blood clot that dislodges and becomes lodged in the pelvic end of the aorta in a cat can result in diminished blood flow to the legs, which is known as a saddle thrombus. Your veterinarian can treat the symptoms, which most frequently affect cats with heart disease, by dissolving the clot and controlling your cat’s pain. Your cat’s mobility should improve after treatment.

Saddle thrombus is a particularly challenging diagnosis, explains Branchville Animal Hospital associate veterinarian Dr. Justin Padgett. Aortic thromboembolism cases involving saddle thrombus are tragic. In addition to the pain and anguish they inflict and the immobility they result in, “they also have a high rate of recurrence if they are effectively treated.” Most of these cats are put to death.

Traumatic Injury

The most typical cause of paralysis in cats is a severe injury, such as a catastrophic fall or being struck by a car. Any of these severe spinal injuries, broken legs, or shattered pelvis brought on by trauma might render a cat paralyzed.

kidney disease in cats

The rear legs of cats with severe renal disease may become feeble. The back legs of your cat frequently appear shaky or unpredictably buckle.

Neurological and spinal conditions

Neurological disorders and back injuries, including slipped discs, are frequent in cats and can happen at any age. Cats are particularly vulnerable to spinal injuries since some will try to hide the issue. Infection, muscle or nerve inflammation, or even malignancy, can cause further spinal problems. If your cat starts dragging a limb, becomes immobile with their legs, or looks to be unable to stand, call your veterinarian very away. Cerebellar hypoplasia, IVDD, paralysis, and movement loss from trauma or injury are further feline mobility problems.

Mobility Loss Solutions for Cats

The mobility and activity levels of your cat are crucial to their quality of life.

Cat Wheelchairs

A cat wheelchair is the ideal mobility solution for cats because they can have abrupt paralysis or weakening in their hind legs, just like dogs. Cats who are handicapped or disabled can run, play, and get the exercise they require thanks to cat wheelchairs. Your cat may stand, walk, and run with the support of a feline wheelchair, regaining its independence. Added advantages of a cat wheelchair are as follows:

  • improved mental health
  • helps cats rebuild their strength.
  • Rehabilitative support after injury or surgery
  • prevents muscle atrophy.
  • More exercise means improved bodily function.

A mobility cart’s supportive assistance can be extremely helpful for a crippled cat. The rear support wheelchair and the full support wheelchair are the two different categories of cat wheelchairs. How to pick the best wheelchair for your cat is as follows:

Rear Wheelchair for Cats

For cats whose back legs are weak or paralyzed, a rear wheelchair is ideal. Because the wheelchair supports their hind end, your cat can still move around without difficulty. During rehabilitation, a cat with a disability can stand and walk with the use of a wheelchair. In addition to making it simpler for a cat to move, a wheelchair can promote feline mobility.

Full Support Cat Wheelchair

The quad wheelchair is perfect for cats who require help in both their front and hind legs. Your cat is completely supported by its front and rear wheels. Cats may exercise while staying balanced and supported by a four-wheel cart. Even cats with disabilities in just the back legs will function better in a wheelchair with four wheels. Some cats feel more comfortable when their entire bodies are supported. It is simpler to maneuver and helps them to move more naturally because to the additional support provided by the front wheels.

Improving Cat Mobility with a Wheelchair

“Paralyzed cats can learn to go around with assistance in an indoor, open space just as well as dogs can,” claims Dr. Padgett. I’ve had cats with paralyzing intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) who probably would have thrived in a wheelchair. The animal will likely need assistance urinating and defecating, will need to be cleaned frequently, and will need to be observed to ensure they don’t wind up becoming stuck somewhere they can’t escape, so the owner must be 100% devoted and able to spend a lot of time with the animal.