cat scratch disease

Fortunately, cat scratch disease is not common in cats, but it can be dangerous for your pet if left untreated. There are several symptoms to look out for, and knowing what they are can help you prevent this disease from happening.


Symptoms of cat scratch disease include swelling of the lymph nodes near the area of the cat’s scratch. These lymph nodes are red, hot, and painful. They also may need to be drained.

Cat scratch disease may also travel to other organs, including the liver and lungs. If it travels to the heart, it can cause infective endocarditis. The infection can also cause encephalitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the brain.

If you have cat scratch disease, the symptoms will usually go away on their own within a few weeks. However, you may need to take antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading. If you have a weak immune system, you may have more serious symptoms.

You should see your doctor if you have cat scratch disease symptoms that don’t go away. He will take a sample of the infected lymph node and look for a reaction to the bacteria. If the reaction is strong, a blood test may be performed. This test can look for antibodies produced by the body to help fight off the infection. A PCR (polymerase chain reaction) can also be performed to increase the amount of bacteria DNA in the sample.

If you are bitten by a cat, you should clean the wound with soap and water. You may also want to apply warm compresses to reduce swelling. However, you should not scrub the wound too hard or you may damage the tissue.

Swollen lymph nodes are part of the immune system and help defend the body from infection. They can be painful and may last for two to three weeks. You may also have a fever. You can use over-the-counter pain medicines to relieve the pain. You may also want to take ibuprofen to treat the fever.

You can also call your doctor if you have lots of pain in the lymph node. Your doctor may also need to drain the lymph nodes to relieve the pain. If you have a weak immune system, your doctor may want to take a longer course of antibiotics. You may also be hospitalized if the infection spreads to other organs.


Typically, cat scratch disease is a self-limited condition that develops within a few weeks of a cat bite. Diagnosis is based on a patient’s history of cat bite and clinical findings.

Cat scratch disease is caused by Bartonella henselae, a bacterium that is transmitted through cat bites. It can cause various clinical manifestations, such as lymphadenopathy, abscesses, osteolytic lesions, and hepatic and pulmonary abscesses. It is usually benign, but can result in life-threatening infections when atypical histopathologic findings are present.

A typical diagnosis of cat scratch disease is based on a combination of high titers of immunoglobulin G antibodies against B. henselae and characteristic histopathologic features of granulomatous lymphadenitis.

Lymph node biopsies may be performed to assist in the diagnosis of cat scratch disease. The most accurate biopsy technique is large-bore needle aspiration. The sample can be looked at under a microscope to help confirm the diagnosis.

Lymph node biopsy specimens may be positive for Bartonella species. However, special culture media may be required to isolate the bacterium. A positive culture may indicate that the lymph node is asymptomatic.

In some cases, cat scratch disease may be accompanied by fever. This may be the result of the bacterium causing a secondary infection of another organ. A positive fever may also be accompanied by swelling of the lymph glands.

Cat scratch disease may be treated with local heat application, local antibiotics, or a combination of antibiotics. The preferred therapy is a combination of these. However, the duration of therapy depends on the clinical presentation. It is important to follow the progress of the disease and to evaluate for disease resolution.

The diagnosis of cat scratch disease can be based on history, clinical findings, and serologic tests. In addition, PCR testing of lymph node aspirates is frequently used to confirm the diagnosis.

Cat scratch disease is relatively common. Children are at greater risk than adults. The condition usually presents as localized lymphadenitis, although it may also be disseminated and result in hepatic abscesses or bacillary angiomatosis in patients with AIDS.

A 44-year-old woman with six cats had positive serology and a negative polymerase chain reaction test. She also had an enlarged left inguinal lymph node that was painful. This was confirmed by a Warthin-Starry silver stain, which showed clumplicate bacilli within the granulomas.


Approximately 12,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with cat scratch disease every year. It is a bacterial infection, which usually goes away without treatment. The symptoms are fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a small skin wound.

Cat scratch disease can cause serious complications in people with compromised immune systems. It may cause an infection in the bones, muscles, heart, and other organs. In severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed.

The bacterium that causes cat scratch disease is called Bartonella henselae. It can enter the skin through the brakes in the skin. It may also be present in the fur of the cat.

Infected cats can carry bacteria that can enter the human body, especially when they are less than a year old. Kittens are more likely to carry bacteria than adult cats.

Cat scratch disease treatment involves disinfecting the area and removing pus. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be used to relieve symptoms. Heat compresses may also be applied to help ease the pain.

Cat scratch disease treatment may also include surgery to remove affected lymph nodes. Surgical excision may be necessary if symptoms recur after drainage.

Treatment failures occur in many cases after short antibiotic courses. The best way to diagnose cat scratch disease is by a blood test. A positive enzyme immunoassay will indicate the presence of bacteria. Other diagnostic tests may be performed by a veterinarian.

Cat scratch disease can be a difficult diagnosis to make. In some cases, the patient will present with atypical symptoms. This can include swelling of the lymph nodes, ocular inflammation, muscle aches, and weight loss.

The symptoms of cat scratch disease can be life-threatening, if not treated. For those with compromised immune systems, treatment may include antibiotics or surgery. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a patient may need hospitalization.

It is important to have a consultation with a veterinarian to determine the best cat scratch disease treatment for your particular case. Getting expert advice from online veterinarians can also be very beneficial. Having regular flea treatments for your cats is also beneficial. Depending on your age and health, the risk of infection may be reduced by washing your hands regularly after handling a cat.


Symptoms of cat scratch disease vary depending on the person’s immune status and the severity of the infection. The most common symptoms include fever, pain, swelling and lymph node enlargement.

The symptoms usually begin 3 to 10 days after a cat bite. A pustule forms on the skin, and it turns into sores with crusts. Depending on the level of infection, antibiotics are given to relieve pain and fever. In some cases, the doctor will puncture a lymph node and remove the pus.

The infection can also affect the internal organs. The liver, lungs and joints may also become infected. In severe cases, it may cause labored breathing.

Cat scratch disease is an acute zoonotic infectious disease. It is also known as felinosis. It is more common in children than adults. The disease usually clears up on its own. However, it may cause complications if treated incorrectly.

The disease is caused by bacteria that enter the cat’s mouth, and are then transmitted to the person. These bacteria are found in erythrocytes and vascular endothelial cells. They also enter the body when a person comes in contact with infected blood or mucous membranes.

Symptoms of cat scratch disease can include high temperature, infection in joints, and liver damage. Other symptoms include swollen lymph nodes and a red appearance of the skin. The infection may also result in suppuration, ulcers, and scarring.

Cat scratch disease is usually self-limited, but some cases may require medical treatment. Treatment for cat scratch disease may include drainage of the lymph nodes, antibiotics, and pain relievers. For children, it may also require the doctor to order blood tests and chest X-rays.

Cat scratch disease is caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. The bacteria are most common in young kittens. However, it can also be passed on from cat to cat. It has been reported that about 40 percent of healthy cats carry the bacteria.

Cat scratch disease can be prevented by trimming the cat’s nails and keeping it indoors. It is also important to avoid contact with stray animals. A hot compress can also help.