Have you ever questioned why your cat is so reserved around strangers or such a fussy eater? You may put it down to your cat’s enigmatic character, but it’s also likely that its behavior may be influenced by its zodiac sign. According to astrologers, our animal pets are impacted by the way the stars and planets were aligned at the time of their birth, just like us. According to astrologer Maressa Brown, “astrology for pets works very much in the same way it does for humans.” “A cat’s sun sign is Leo if it was born on August 3.” Taurus, born on May 5? And you’d anticipate that the animal will exhibit specific psychological qualities that correspond to its solar sign.
Don’t know the precise birth date of your cat? According to Brown, you can use the date you brought your cat home if it was adopted or rescued. This process is used by astrologers to produce horoscopes for couples and even nations (the astrological chart of the United States, for instance, is determined by the day the Declaration of Independence was signed).
For a deeper grasp of the dynamics, tone, and themes of your relationship with your cat, but perhaps not their precise personality, Brown advises looking to the astrology of their “rescue birthday.” That absolutely applies to me: We adopted our rescue cat during the flamboyant Aries season, and although she behaves more like a Cancer, our time together is largely divided between cuddling and dodging her efforts to swat my ankles. See how closely your pet’s astrological sign fits the personalities of the cats represented by the solar signs down below.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
Expect a lot of small “gifts” if you live with a cat born under the sign of the Ram. According to Tarot.com, Aries cats are natural-born hunters that will bring you their most recent kill with pride. Play with your cat to keep it purring since your furry Aries isn’t content to sit around and store up energy. Your cat will insist on resting on its favorite person’s bed every night since Aries is a possessive sign, according to apologist Dr. Standley, who published this on her website.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Taurus is all about luxury and comfort, so you’ll find your spring-born cat curled up on the softest sofa cushion in the house, pleading for constant scratches behind the ears, or turning its nose up at anything except the best cat food. (Actually, you might need to keep an eye on your cat to make sure it doesn’t gain too much weight.) According to The Astrology Place, stubbornness is another trait of Taurus cats, so if you ask your Bull to leave his favorite chair, be prepared for an angry yowl in return.
Gemini (May 21–June 20)
According to CatTime, a Gemini cat’s personality can vary much like its human equivalent. It will run about and play with its catnip toy one minute, and the next, you’ll notice it creeping under the bed or giving you an irritated face for no apparent reason. However, Geminis are such gregarious beings that they won’t lose their temper for very long. Your twin cat will assist you in welcoming guests by meowing and chatting nonstop.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

According to The Astrology Place, Cancer is a sign that values home and family, so you probably won’t see your grumpy cat pawing at the door to be allowed outside. The cancer cat will flourish if you provide it with a calm environment and enough healthy food. According to the website, crabs are somewhat needy, so your midsummer-born cat will definitely follow you around and get on your lap as soon as you sit down. Think hard before relocating the litter box or scratching post because they are also sensitive to environmental changes.
Leo (July 23–August 22)
The same traits that make a Leo-born person so much fun also make for a fantastic cat companion: pride, loyalty, friendliness, and entertainment. According to astrologer Brown, “A Leo cat may appreciate all types of attention and may not even mind being in the spotlight.” However, PerroPet claims that the small lion doesn’t appreciate being disregarded. If you don’t offer your Leo cat a lot of attention and playtime, it can decide to destroy the couch or knock over some trinkets simply to prove a point.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

The Virgo cat discredits all other felines’ claims to cleanliness. PerroPet claims that your early autumn-born cat is extremely meticulous and will cheerfully spend extended periods of time washing itself. That calls for maintaining a pristine litter box, and you might even want to install an extra one. Virgo cats are deep thinkers, according to The Astrology Place; you can frequently find them in their favorite sunny place, gazing into space or observing passing birds and butterflies. The neurological system and stomach are ruled by Virgo; therefore, you should pay close attention to your nutrition. Please, no table crumbs, and only top-notch food!
Libra (September 23–October 22)
Does everyone laud your cat for its lovely fur and adorable face? That’s because, according to Tarot.com, Venus, the planet that rules Libra, was named after the goddess of beauty. Since Libra cats enjoy company, your pet will stick by your side and assist you in hosting guests. However, if you are frequently away from home, pet astrologers advise acquiring a second cat. According to Astrology Weekly, Libra is a sign that frequently makes rash decisions, so plan on spending a lot of time letting your Balance-born cat in and out. Getting your cat plenty of activity can also help it avoid becoming a typical “lazy Libra.”

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

According to Astrology Weekly, the secretive, secluded attitude that makes Scorpio individuals so alluring is also true of their feline counterparts. Even on the hottest days, the Scorpion Cat will skulk under a soft blanket and hide its toys in unexpected places. They are extremely possessive, so other animals may learn to avoid the Scorpio’s preferred napping spot. But CatTime observed, “Behind that distant façade comes a great longing for affection and togetherness.” If you regularly cuddle your cat each day, it will show you its unwavering loyalty by becoming a Scorpio.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
Sags are free spirits in both their human and feline incarnations. If you have a Sagittarius cat, be ready to offer it plenty of outdoor time because they don’t like being cooped up inside, advised PerroPet. (If you don’t want your cat to roam, create a cat run in your backyard so it may securely enjoy nature.) According to CatTime, the Archer cat enjoys staring off into space, just like Virgos (maybe planning for the next eight lives?). PerroPet noted that Sagittarius cats have a propensity to knock things over and spill their water dish, so they would thrive in less-than-perfect surroundings.

Capricorn (December 22–January 22)

According to iZodiacSigns, the steadfast earth sign Capricorn is noted for its realism, ambition, and tenacity. In light of this, be forewarned that your Cap cat will spend hours stalking the floor spider or attacking the catnip mouse until it is reduced to nothing more than tiny cotton slivers, according to CatTime. According to Astrology Weekly, Capricorn cats frequently astound their owners with their unusual tendencies. It’s possible that your cat will prefer the faucet to its bowl or that it won’t want to scale the pricey cat tree you thought it would adore. Your Capricat will be a good friend if you can just be patient with its idiosyncrasies.
Aquarius (January 23–February 18)
According to AstrologyClub, the term that best represents the Aquarius cat is “quirky.” They are the ones who could possibly acquire a liking for strange cuisines or engage in fetch games with tiny toys or wads of paper. Like Sagittarius, Capricorn cats require independence and space, and if feasible, they would like to spend some time outside. According to Tarot.com, they are also prone to boredom, making a variety of toys a must. You should expect a lot of chirps, chatters, and meows at the front door when you get home because Aquarius cats are also very talkative.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

According to Astrology Weekly, the Pisces cat is one of the few that truly likes being around water, according to its fish nature. In the shower or at a drip of water in the kitchen sink, your cat might follow you. According to PerroPet, Pisces cats are entertainers who will bat and leap at bugs or laser pens. The fish cat is incredibly smart and sensitive at the same time. When you’ve had a bad day, they’ll come and cuddle up next to you since they miss you when you’re not around. (As a type of security blanket, place an old T-shirt by your cat’s bed or resting place.)