Often tapeworms in cats are not a big concern, but when they become a problem, they can be very dangerous. This is why it is important to be aware of these diseases and know how to prevent them. If you have a cat, make sure that you know how to diagnose and treat tapeworms.
Fortunately, the diagnosis of tapeworms in cats is fairly simple. You can also treat the problem with effective dewormers. Your veterinarian can provide you with information about these parasites and recommend the best treatment options.
There are several different types of tapeworms that can infect your cat. The most common species is Dipylidium caninum. Other species include Taenia taeniaeformis, which is related to reptiles, birds, and small mammals.
When cats are infected with tapeworms, they may develop a patchy coat and have diarrhea. In addition, they may have a decreased appetite and seizures. In severe cases, the tapeworm can even obstruct the cat’s intestines.
The best way to prevent tapeworms is to keep your cat away from areas where pests live. These pests often hang out under sheds or porches. Keeping your pet free from fleas is also a good way to prevent tapeworms.
Often, you can diagnose your cat’s tapeworm infection by seeing the segments that are found in their feces. These segments are small, white grains. These grains are shaped like grains of rice or sesame seeds.
If you notice your cat scratching at the anal area on a regular basis, or dragging his or her hind legs across the floor, you should seek the help of a veterinarian. Your veterinarian can also perform a Fecal Ova and Parasite test to confirm your diagnosis.
Typical symptoms of tapeworms in cats include diarrhea, loss of appetite, and an inflamed hair coat. However, these symptoms may not be present in the early stages of the disease.
The first step in treating tapeworms in cats is to determine the type of tapeworm. A veterinarian can determine this through microscopic examination of your cat’s feces. The most common tapeworm in cats is the Dipylidium caninum, which is associated with fleas.
Adult tapeworms are segmented worms that live in your cat’s small intestine. They can cause intestinal blockages, but rarely cause serious disease.
To treat tapeworms in cats, a veterinarian will usually prescribe medication to kill the tapeworms. The drug may be prescribed as an injection or tablet. The most common drug used to treat tapeworms in cats is praziquantel. Bayer Pharmaceuticals offers praziquantel as an injectable and in tablet form.
In addition to deworming medication, your veterinarian may recommend flea control and environmental treatments to keep tapeworms from recurring. If you suspect that your cat has tapeworms, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Tapeworms in cats are common, but they can be difficult to diagnose. Fecal flotation tests often miss tapeworm infection. Instead, the test looks for tapeworm eggs that can be seen in the feces.
Keeping cats indoors is one of the best ways to prevent tapeworms in cats. This method keeps them from hunting, eating, and inhaling fleas and other contaminants.
Another important tool in the fight against tapeworms is routine screening. Getting a stool sample will tell you if your cat has any intestinal parasites.
Keeping your cat’s litter box clean and disinfected is also a good way to prevent tapeworms. If your cat does get tapeworms, you will need to treat the infestation. If your cat has tapeworms, you may need to take additional precautions to keep the worms from spreading to other pets in your home.
You may also want to get your cat vaccinated for fleas. This will eliminate the fleas on your cat and reduce the chance of your cat getting them again.
Other tips to prevent tapeworms in cats include keeping your cat away from dead animals and other contaminated areas. This is especially important for indoor cats, who may be at risk of catching a tapeworm from a rodent.
It is also a good idea to keep your cat’s toys clean and disinfected. This will prevent the tapeworms from spreading to other animals.
Another good tip is to vacuum your cat’s litter box daily. This will help get rid of flea eggs and larvae.