stop your cat from meowing

Cats meow to greet people, draw attention to a situation, express discomfort or disapproval, or ask for attention. However, too much meowing can be annoying, which is why we’ve created this guide to stop your cat from meowing. Your responsibility is to determine when the meow might be significant and to quickly check for empty water dishes and other issues.

However, as many cat owners are aware, a loud meow can also indicate a request for more food or attention. Create a strategy that satisfies the cat’s needs while avoiding teaching it that a yowling opera gets the desired outcome. Remember that retraining your cat may take some time, and that some breeds, like Siamese, have vocal tendencies even under the best conditions.

How to Stop Your Cat From Meowing For Food Reasons

Stick to a feeding routine to stop your cat from meowing

Cats frequently meow to request food. The cat learns that this works if you react to the sounds. Instead of waiting for a vocal reminder, feed the cat according to a fixed timetable. All cats, kittens included, require frequent, little meals. Because they are only fed twice daily and are hungry, cats vocalize frequently.

A feeder that releases food at predetermined intervals could shift a ravenous cat’s attention away from you and onto the feeder. This aids the cat in acquiring a routine for mealtimes.

Do not respond to begging

This requires patience because your pet’s initial reaction is likely to be to meow even louder. It’s crucial to allow this behavior develop naturally without criticizing it in any way. The cat will eventually figure out that meowing to catch your attention no longer works. When the cat begins to meow just before meals, leave the room and close the door. Come out to fill the cat’s food bowl when it stops meowing. Some cats will meow in the morning because they think it means it’s time for breakfast. Wait at least 10 minutes before breaking this association after standing up.

Consider a food puzzle to stop your cat from meowing

Consider weighing out the daily need of dry food into a “food puzzle” instead if your cat’s behavior doesn’t improve after a week or two of following a rigorous meal schedule. These gadgets allow the cat to get food whenever they want without troubling you. But unlike a bowl that is always filled, the food puzzle keeps the cat interested and discourages overeating.

How to Stop Your Cat From Meowing at Night

Play with and feed your cat cat before bed

Your cat may be feeling lonely or bored if it meows at night. Try 45 minutes of vigorous exercise before night, like chasing cat toys, and then 15 minutes of snuggling or another soothing, social activity. It will be challenging to occupy your cat if you don’t have time to play with it. You can still use the strategies listed below, but it’s ideal to locate a relative or pet sitter who can play with your cat on a regular basis. Before bed, a large, filling supper can encourage your cat to sleep rather than stay awake and meow.

Stop your cat from meowing by giving them something to do at night

The cat can be entertained with a food puzzle or interactive cat toy. Toys or treats can also be hid around the house so the cat can look for them. Limit the amount of food the cat consumes in a 24-hour period. Any food consumed by the cat at night must originate from its daily meals.

Consider getting a second cat to stop your cat from meowing

Even though many cats are content living alone, nighttime meowing is an indication of loneliness. A second cat is one way to give attention at night, but it might be hard to tell if the two cats will get along. If you do decide to acquire a new cat, introduce it to the family gradually and begin in a different room. If you can get a second cat from the same litter or if your present cat has already been socialized with other cats, this is more likely to be successful.

How to Stop Your Cat From Meowing: Other Tips

Stop your cat from meowing by cleaning the litter box

When the litter box is too filthy to use, your cat could meow. Solid garbage should be removed every day, and litter should be replaced as needed once or twice a week. Maintaining a regular maintenance plan makes your cat more comfortable and keeps the habit of meowing from getting out of hand.

Stop your cat from meowing by addressing boredom or loneliness

Some cats will meow to let you know they need more attention or that they miss you. To ease these emotions, try spending more time caressing or playing with the cat. If possible, try to begin the playtime when the cat isn’t meowing. Meowing promotes the behavior when you respond to it. If you don’t have enough time to play with your cat, think about paying someone to visit your home while you’re away.

Make sure your cat is not in pain

If your cat is meowing a lot, she might have wounded herself or be feeling under the weather. Try giving your cat a quick physical examination or taking her to the clinic for a checkup.
Check for discharge in your cat’s eyes and nose. Start at the spine and work your way toward the tummy while carefully examining your cat’s abdomen with one or both hands. As you lightly palpate the abdomen, look for any indications of pain or discomfort. Examine your cat’s limbs and paws lightly with one or both hands. Don’t let your cat’s limbs get too long. As your cat would if she were walking and moving, gently bend the joints. While inspecting her limbs, joints, and paws, take note of any pain or discomfort.

Stop your cat from meowing by making sure your cat is spayed/neutered

Occasionally, during the breeding season, which normally lasts from February to September in most regions located in the Northern Hemisphere, cats who want a mate but have not been spayed or neutered will meow excessively. Consult your vet to find out if your cat is in the breeding season and whether a spaying or neutering treatment could help.

Do not respond to unnecessary meows

If your cat is meowing for attention or for food she doesn’t need when all of her requirements have been addressed. Although your cat may first become even louder or more insistent, it may ultimately come to the realization that you are no longer responding to its meows. This requires persistence and patience. If you give in after an hour of meowing, the cat learns that an hour of meowing is worthwhile.

Stop your cat from meowing with rewards

You must compliment the cat in addition to ignoring unwanted meows. Reward the cat as soon as it stops meowing to communicate the behavior you wish to promote. In order for the cat to understand what you want, this reward must be given right away. The most effective approach to achieve this is to use a clicker training device to emit a noise as soon as the cat stops meowing, followed by an instant reward for the cat, such as a little treat.