stop your cat from spraying

How to Stop a Cat from Spraying

The number one way to stop your cat from spraying is to neuter them if they’re a male cat. Other potential causes of spraying can be stress, conflict, and litter box aversion.

Neuter your cat to stop it from Spraying

Most spraying behavior can be eliminated by getting your male cat neutered. This is because unneutered male cats are very territorial and want to mark their territory. The best age to neuter your cat is at 5 months old, but males can be neutered even after that.

Reduce stress to stop your cat from Spraying

Your cat might need some time to adjust to his new home if you recently moved. Start by giving him modest boundaries, perhaps just one room. Give your cat and the new family member plenty of time to get along if one has recently been welcomed. Pheromone therapy can also result in a calm demeanor in cats. It naturally calms your cat by releasing pheromones that resemble those of a nursing cat mother.

Other natural and effective therapies that can be used during transitional periods include Zylkene. This capsule is lactose-free and contains a naturally soothing milk protein. It’s safe for both short- and long-term use, so it’s perfect if your cat just needs to get over the “hump” or if the situation is long-lasting.

See a Vet to Stop Your Cat from Spraying

Visit your veterinarian as soon as possible if your cat is spraying inside because of a medical issue.

In reality, it’s unlikely urinary tract infections or kidney issues are the cause of the spraying. In those cases the urination will probably be directly on the floor as the result of your cat’s inability to hold it. Spraying is more of an intentional behavior, and usually caused by psychological reasons. In any case, your vet might have solutions such as anti-anxiety medication to stop your cat from spraying.

Reduce Conflict to Stop Your Cat from Spraying

Spraying is often territorial behavior in cats. And conflict with another animal or person in the house can cause flare ups in this behavior.

If your cat is still getting used to other pets, try to give them their own space in the home they can escape to or call their own. Don’t make your cats share a litter box. You might even consider giving your cat a room all to themselves and slowely introducing them to the other pets over time.

When all of the aforementioned remedies have failed, it’s time to attempt a deterrent spray. Certain essential oils and scents, like those in our deterrent spray, inherently repel cats. It won’t leave any stains behind and is suitable for use on most surfaces. Even your plants can benefit from using it!

Switch your litter to stop your cat from Spraying

Cats have a really strong sense of smell, and cat litter with strong odors can often be a turn off for them. Keep in mind that the odor of kitty litter is going to be a lot stronger for your cat than for you.

Additionally, your cat might not like the texture of the kitty litter. Try different kinds of litter until you find the one your cat prefers.

What is “spraying”?

Your cat essentially defines his territory by spraying, similar to how some dogs mark their territory with urine. However, how do spraying and marking with pee differ from one another? It simply adopts your cat’s position. Before spraying, cats will step back toward a stationary object. Any piece of furniture, including a chair leg or a wall, could be the culprit. They reach straight up with their tails to urinate, usually on vertical surfaces.

When cats mark their territory, they will squat as if they were constantly urinating, and they will do this on a flat surface like your carpet or your bed. In both instances, the behavior is intentional and not the consequence of a person’s inability to “hold it.” Only behavior is at issue. What about female cats? Do female cats urinate? Cats that are females can spray, too. This behavior can be seen in cats other than male cats. Despite the fact that it happens frequently, I’ve never had a female cat spray. But why do cats spray?