is catnip good for cats

Cats love catnip. So is catnip good for cats? Research has shown that catnip is completely safe for cats. There are no harmful side affects to your cat eating catnip, aside from a tummy ache if they happen to eat a lot of it. Alternatively, there are actually a lot of benefits to your cat eating catnip.

Why Do Cats Like Catnip?

Cats like catnip because it makes them feel good. As your cat licks and rubs on the herb, the release of nepetalactone sets off a euphoric reaction. Scientists aren’t sure exactly why this happens, but many believe cats are responding to the nepetalactone as though it is a pheromone. Once your cat inhales nepetalactone, the molecules bind to olfactory cells in her nose, which sends a signal to her brain that makes her go wild.

Cats will also react similarly to plants within the same family as catnip, such as mint. Likewise, it’s not uncommon for your cat to lick your face or hair after you’ve brushed your teeth with mint. This behavior is them responding to it like they would other pheromones.

What Do Cats Do When They Eat Catnip?

One reason catnip is good for cats is because it can make them energetic and playful. Seeing your cat suddenly go crazy and zoom around the house and jump all over the furniture and cat tree can be entertaining. The result is great exercise! And it’s an excellent way to help you cat lose weight.

Some cats will have a less drastic response to catnip. For example, some will eat the catnip and roll around in it. Others will become drowsy, calm or sedated, and might even drool.

Whatever the case may be, your cat will show great interest in the catnip as soon as they catch a whiff of it.

is catnip good for cats

How Long Does Catnip Last?

Even though catnip is good for cats, they’re extreme reaction and high energy can be a little overwhelming. Fear not, for the effects of catnip only lasts about 5-30min. Your cat will calm down pretty soon after the rush of the catnip. And they’ll even be immune to its effects for a while after eating it the first time.

How Should You Give Your Cat Catnip?

Because catnip is good for cats, we recommend giving it to them in a variety of ways. You can purchase toys with catnip inside, enticing them to play with the toy and get active. Additionally, you can sprinkle a pile of catnip in one of their favorite lounging places, giving them a massive boost. Keep in mind you’ll have to clean it up later!

Catnip can be used to help reduce stress or get your cat used to a new place or thing. For example, if you just bought a new cat tree you can sprinkle some cat nip on the platforms to encourage your cat to try it out. Similarly, you can use catnip to train your cat but using it as a reward for good behavior or putting it in places you want them to go. There are so many reasons why catnip is good for cats!

What Does Catnip Look Like?

Catnip is a plant that looks a lot like grass, and you can buy or grow it yourself easily at home. However, most catnip you see in stores is in small flakes. This is just the plant dried out and broken into small pieces to make it last longer.

is catnip good for cats

Is Catnip Safe for Humans?

Finally, you may be wondering if catnip is safe for humans. Although people won’t respond to catnip in the same way cats will, it actually has some positive affects. Catnip is thought to help with migraines, insomnia and arthritis in humans, although much of this still needs research. Also, catnip can be used as a natural insect repellent.