My Cat is Eating Cardboard

Whether you’re a new cat owner or you’ve had a cat for years, you’re likely to have questions about whether or not your cat is chewing cardboard. Often, cats do chew on cardboard, but it’s not always a big deal. However, if your cat is chewing on cardboard, you may want to take it to a vet.

If you think your cat is chewing on cardboard, first check to see if it has sharp edges or string. This could be a sign that it is trying to break down the cardboard. Also, if your cat is eating more than just the surface of the cardboard, then it may have a dietary deficiency or a medical problem.

Another reason your cat might be chewing on cardboard is if they’re trying to mark their territory. Cats are natural hunters and tend to use cardboard as a way to mark their territory. They do this by rubbing their cheek against the object.

Another reason your cat might be chewing cardboard is if they’re teething. If your cat is teething, you may want to provide them with kitten-safe dental treats. They may also benefit from a frozen rag soaked in chicken broth.

Other reasons your cat might be chewing on cardboard include boredom or stress. Some cats enjoy chewing cardboard because it’s a fun way to pass the time. Providing your cat with a scratching post, toy or other stimulation can help stop the behavior.