stop your cat from meowing at night

There are several things you can do to stop your cat from meowing at night. Keeping your cat busy during the day, changing their routine and making sure they have plenty to eat and drink are all worth a try.

How to Stop your Cat from Meowing at Night

Change your cat’s routine

Because their instincts tell them that nighttime is the best time to hunt, younger cats have a propensity to be more active at this time. We won’t have to tell you that having a cat out and about at four in the morning is not ideal. Fortunately, a little “hunting,” or playing with its favorite cat toys, before you go to bed could help to exhaust your cat and reset its body clock. Rearranging your cat’s meals will also help him/her sleep better at night. Give your cat plenty to eat and drink to stop the from meowing at night

It might be a good idea to feed your cat right before bed so that they have food and water available all night long. This depends on your cat’s feeding schedule. Naturally, within reason, as maintaining a balanced diet is also crucial. If your cat isn’t following a strict diet or feeding schedule, hiding some treats or food toys about the home could keep them occupied and satisfied until the next day.

Keep your cat busy during the day

The quantity of sleep your cat gets at night will decrease if it takes too many cat naps during the day. The secret is to keep your cat as alert and active as you can when it’s daytime. A quick and easy approach to improve mental and physical stimulation during mealtimes is to create a food puzzle.

Make time to play with your cat in the evening if you’ve spent the most of the day away from home. They require engagement and company just as we do. Without it, they might experience boredom, loneliness, and anxiety at night, which might result in some nocturnal meowing while you’re trying to sleep.

Cats do have a longer sleep schedule than many other pets, it’s important to note. Cats frequently spend the day sleeping for about 15 hours and then waking up at night to use their energy. Despite being domesticated, cats are still primarily carnivores by nature, and they are usually most active during night and dawn.

Ignore your cat if they meow at night

Completely disregarding your cat’s behavior is probably the best course of action if it is well-cared for in terms of food, water, playtime, and physical fitness. If you think your cat is meowing to seek your attention, teach it that no amount of noise will get you to get out of bed. This strategy could be a little challenging in the short run because things are probably going to become worse before they get better. But if you’re patient, your cat should understand within a week or two. During this noisy stage of development, a decent set of earplugs can be a wise purchase!

This is another trick some cats use to get more food, but a healthy cat should have some control over how much food they eat. Allowing them to prod you into eating more or altering your schedule will show them that it is a successful strategy that can be applied repeatedly.

Clean the litter box before bed

Your cat is not an animal. They can actually be rather picky when it comes to bathroom habits, and like us, they prefer to relieve themselves in a spotless atmosphere. Ideally, you ought to clean up your cat’s litter box twice a day, one of which ought to be right before night. Your cat may only need that to stay content and quiet at night. Additionally, you must thoroughly clean your cat’s litter box at least once every two weeks. Here are some other tips for avoiding litter box issues.

Create a safe environment for your cat

Cats may experience vulnerability and less self-assurance when they wander about the house as they get older due to changes in their night vision and cognitive function.

The whaling and meowing you’ll hear at night are frequently brought on by anxiousness. Making your home more cat-friendly at night will address this issue quickly. You may easily stop your cat from meowing at night by installing nightlights all over your house, especially close to possible dangers like stairs.