cat keep scratching their ear

It’s perfectly normal to wonder why your cat keeps scratching their ear. It’s common for your cat to occasionally scratch at its ears. Even cats get itchy sometimes. However, if your cat is consistently scratching their ears, it may be a sign that something is amiss and that you need to investigate more closely.

Your cat may be scratching their ears more frequently than usual for a variety of reasons. It’s crucial to take your cat to the vet as soon as you find that their ears are itching more frequently so that they may be examined. Itchy cat ears can be caused by anything from allergies to ear mites. It’s not something to take lightly when your cat scratches its ears. In addition to being uncomfortable for your cat, it could also be a sign of a more serious medical issue.

Why Does My Cat Keep Scratching Their Ear?

Your cat is therefore rubbing their ears more often than usual. Why does this matter? Numerous various factors can be indicated by your cat scratching its ears. Either your cat has ear mites or is experiencing an allergic reaction, depending on why they are scratching their ears. Whatever the reason for your cat’s itching ears, you should treat them as soon as you can because they can be very uncomfortable for your feline companion.

Common Reasons Your Cat Keeps Scratching Their Ear

Cats frequently get itchy ears, but it’s crucial to identify the exact cause so that you can provide the right kind of care. We’ll go over the most typical reasons for scratchy ears in cats down below.

Ear Mites

Cats’ itching ears are frequently brought on by ear mites. Cat ear mites are visible to the unaided eye, but because they are so minute, it is quite challenging for a cat owner to find them in their cat. If you suspect your cat has ear mites, it’s crucial to get them treated right away because they can grow extremely quickly. The sooner they are treated, the less probable it is that they will spread because they can also be passed from cat to cat.

Cats with ear mites may exhibit a variety of signs, such as excessive ear-flipping and scratching, head-shaking, black, flaky ear wax, and inflamed outer ears. When you bring the ear mites in, your veterinarian will probably be able to identify them and will give you a prescription for an oral or topical treatment.


Cats frequently experience allergies, so it’s possible that your cat’s ear-itching behavior is simply the result of an allergic reaction. Cats can be sensitive to a variety of things, including food and the environment, although food allergies are most frequently linked to scratchy ears. Your cat may scratch their ears as a result of an allergic reaction that causes the inside of their ears to become red and irritated. This increased moisture and temperature within the ear causes yeast and bacteria to thrive.

Other signs of cat allergies include itchy eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, and sneezing. What a cat is allergic to ultimately determines how to treat their allergies. You need to eliminate that food element from their diet if they have a food allergy. You can also give your cat allergy drugs to lessen their symptoms, but be sure to first talk to your vet about it.


Cats can experience ear infections just like people do. The sensitive nature of cats’ ears makes them fairly prone to ear infections. Particular medical disorders, like diabetes and feline leukemia, make cat ear infections considerably more prevalent in these cats. Cats who have an ear infection may scratch, paw, shake their heads erratically, or rub their ears against furniture. Another ailment that can make a cat’s ears itchy is ringworm. Usually, ringworm only affects the ear flaps and not the ear canal. Hair loss and irritated ear flaps are two other signs of ringworm.

It’s crucial to treat a cat’s ear infection as soon as possible since it can spread fast and cause more severe issues, including hearing loss and loss of balance. Bring your cat to the clinic right away if you think it has an ear infection. To get rid of the illness, your veterinarian will probably recommend oral or injectable medications.

Ear Cysts

A disorder known as feline ceruminous cystomatosis can affect cats. Small, dark cysts on the skin inside the ear canal, which produce a dark waxy substance and cause a buildup of wax inside the ear canal, are the hallmarks of this illness. The waxy buildup can become extremely irritating, cause long-term problems, and frequently cause ear infections. Your veterinarian will assist you in managing this problem, but ultimately surgery will be necessary to remove the cysts, even though they may recur.

How Do I Tell If My Cat Has Ear Mites?

You can identify whether your cat has ear mites by looking for a few specific symptoms. Your cat will shake its head a lot, scratch its ears, and have red, inflamed ears if it has ear mites. A cat with ear mites may also exude a dry, black mucus that may smell unpleasant. It’s crucial to take your cat to the vet so they can get an accurate diagnosis because the signs of a cat scratching its ears without mites can look identical to the signs of a cat with mites.

Is it normal for cats to keep scratching their ears?

It’s natural for cats to occasionally scratch their ears. Everybody has an itch that needs scratching. However, it becomes an issue when your cat’s ear-scratching behavior persists or when it is accompanied by other symptoms. Bring your cat to the vet to be examined if you observe them scratching their ears more regularly.

How Can I Help My Cat With Itchy Ears?

Taking your cat to the veterinarian is the best course of action for itchy ears. Depending on the underlying cause of the problem, your veterinarian will have the best idea on how to proceed with the treatment. You should talk to the vet about any symptoms your cat is displaying, as well as how frequently they occur. After that, your veterinarian will conduct a physical examination so they may examine your cat’s ears up close.

Treatment Options if Your Cat Keeps Scratching Their Ear

What’s causing your cat’s itching ears will ultimately determine how to treat them. The procedures used to treat allergies and cat ear mites are distinct from one another. When you take your cat to the veterinarian, they could start by cleaning your cat’s ears or make a home cleaning recommendation. If you choose to do it yourself, be sure to pick a cleaner designed especially for cat ears.

Your veterinarian will probably advise either spot-on treatments or ear drops if your cat has ear mites. Spot-on treatments are usually the simplest way to cure ear mites and alleviate your cat’s discomfort. They can both prevent and treat ear mites. Another type of treatment that helps lessen and relieve the discomfort and swelling brought on by ear mites is using ear drops. The best person to advise you on the best course of treatment for your cat is your veterinarian.

Depending on the type of infection, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, antifungals, or antiparasites to treat your cat’s ear infection. Your veterinarian may recommend oral or injectable medicines if the infection has just impacted the middle of the ear and not the eardrum.

The sort of allergies your cat has will determine the course of treatment if their itching ears are caused by allergies. Antihistamines and decongestants can be used to treat the symptoms of cat allergies. You should limit your cat’s exposure to the allergen if they have an environmental allergy. You should take that ingredient out of your cat’s diet if they have a food allergy.