why is my cat always purring

Unless they’re also purring, there’s nothing better than having your favorite ball of fur curled up on your lap or next to you. No matter how lovely the sound may be in my case, it always ends once my kitties are asleep or have had enough of my love.

Some cat parents find that it never happens. If you’re this fortunate, you might be curious as to why. Why does my cat purr all the time? Cats typically purr while grooming, relaxing, and feeling satisfied to express their happiness. While older cats will purr excessively when they are happy, to self-soothe during stressful situations, or to cope with physical pain, constant purring in kittens can occur during nursing.

All we have to do is get started if your cat constantly purrs and you want to know why.

Why is my cat purring constantly?

A cat’s purring is shrouded in mystery, but just like their meows, it can have a variety of causes. It might be helpful to keep in mind that there are different types of purrs, so the sound might appear to be continuous.

Reason 1: Your cat is happy.

If your head is close enough to your cat’s tummy, you might be able to hear their faint purring while doing so, or if it’s loud enough, you could be able to hear it just by being together. As long as they’re in a calm setting with people and other animals they feel at ease with and are content to be around, cats will typically purr for a considerable amount of time.

“Purring is produced predominantly by juveniles, but also by adults, in positive circumstances (relaxed, friendly) such as nursing or sucking, mutual grooming, courtship, or a pleasant approach,” the Journal of Zoology says. If you have multiple cats that get along well with one another, you may notice that they continuously purr. Of course, we can’t be sure that our cat is purring if we’re not in the same room with them, but if they do it constantly when you’re around, it’s because you’re there and you’re a skilled petter!

Reason 2: Your cat needs your attention.

Although we might think of a purr as always sounding the same, there are variations that have very specific functions. One such variation includes a further high-pitched note while still sounding very similar to the purr of contentment.

According to an examination of the sound, cats utilize this purr, also known as the solicitation purr, to ask their caregiver for something. It can be a need for food, attention, or to play, and it usually succeeds since this purr causes us to react with concern. If your cat purrs all the time, they might use different types of purrs to ask you for something rather than just to show you how much they love you. According to Karen McCombemail, a researcher on the team, “cats can exaggerate this almost-hidden aspect of purring at will and do so when they find it useful.”

This proves that although our cat’s purr is a natural reaction to happiness, they can also intentionally use it to their advantage. Why wouldn’t they purr continuously if that were the case?

Reason 3: Your cat is stressed

The lovely rumbling sound that cats often make when they are content can also be used by them as a coping technique when they are ill. Your cat purrs in a manner comparable to how you might have been observed gnawing your nails or pacing around your apartment during stressful times. Some cats can become anxious over even the smallest changes, and if they purr to calm themselves, you may notice them doing so frequently, if not all the time. The constant purring, however, is a way for them to comfort themselves if you are aware of a bigger change in their life, such as losing their previous owner, moving houses, or anything else that could put them under stress.

It might be challenging to distinguish between a happy purr and one brought on by stress, which is why it’s crucial to consider the whole picture. Has your cat shown signs of happiness and health, such as acting out, withdrawing, or skipping meals? Constant purring and changes in behavior, diet, or even coat appearance are clear indications that your furry friend is unhappy. You can search for the source in their surroundings, but I believe a trip to the vet can also make the process go much more quickly and less stressfully!

Reason 4: Your cat is in pain.

The continual purring of your cat may also be a symptom of another problem, such as a disease or an injury that is physically painful. This is due to the fact that purring has healing powers as well, and studies have shown that it can hasten the physical recovery of cats. Even though it is an extraordinary talent, there is an explanation, even though it may sound like some feline magic. According to a study, cats produce fundamental, dominant, or strong frequencies at precisely 25 Hz and 50 Hz. They also produce strong frequencies between 25 and 150 Hz.

These two purring frequencies “correspond to vibrational and electrical frequencies used in treatment for pain, edema, muscle growth and strain, joint flexibility, dyspnea, and wounds.”

If your cat has previously been a sporadic purr machine but has now started making this sound constantly, attempt to assess how they are doing overall. If they had been permitted to walk outside, they might have hurt a paw or a tail. Watch for limping or drowsiness and examine their litter box to see if they have diarrhea or constipation. Our feline friends’ purring can be a lovely sound intended to convey their happiness or their desire for cuddles, but they may also be trying to communicate a health issue. Due to its role in the production of endorphins, the happy hormone, this sound has analgesic properties.

Therefore, be sure to pay close attention to your cat’s purr as well as their level of happiness in general. Make sure to take your cat to the vet if anything seems off, even something as innocent as constant purring, so you can leave your worries and your cat’s worries behind.

Where Does the Purring Sound Come From?

It takes practice to understand what purring actually means since you have to learn to see past it to interpret your cat’s nonverbal cues. But I believe it’s also crucial to comprehend how purring functions, as this is a query that has perplexed experts for a very long time! Well, purring and blinking are comparable. Although we blink automatically, we may also blink on demand. Cat expert Vanessa Barrs concurs that cats can control their purring, but where does it come from?

Larynx and diaphragm have a role in the rumbling sound that cats make, but the hyoid, a hard bone that supports the larynx and tongue, is the most significant component. The hyoid bone resonates as our cats breathe because air strikes the larynx muscles, causing them to vibrate. In essence, it functions like a musical instrument that the cat’s autonomic nervous system controls. Others may continue to listen to it in awe, while others may find it easy to understand, but for me, what makes it even more special is the fact that our small cats are among the few felines who can produce this sound!

Why Does My Kitten Purr All the Time?

Since cats frequently purr to relieve pain during giving birth, the lovely purr is likely the first sound kittens hear. At just a few days old, it’s also the first vocalization they learn to produce. The mother and her kittens’ relationship is probably strengthened by this sound, which also serves as a crucial signal to the mother that her children are safe and content. You’ll probably notice that your mother cat’s kittens are all purring nonstop if she has given birth to them.

Her kittens will purr for her no matter how old they get and what they learn about the world. My cat was like a lost baby when I found him, and he was purring nonstop. He might have been anxious in his new surroundings or searching for his mother. It’s also possible that he was constantly purring around me because he believed I was his mother. After all, he enjoyed burrowing himself into my hair, kneading it, biting it, and purring.

Older cats and kittens both purr to show their contentment, especially if their general behavior suggests that they are healthy and content kittens. However, be sure to let your veterinarian know during the examination if you’re concerned that the cat’s constant purring may be a sign of pain. Otherwise, I’d advise you to take pleasure in these continuous kitten purrs!

Why Does My Kitten Keep Purring While Biting Me?

If your first interaction with a newborn kitten in your home involves continual purring and biting, there are a few causes for this behavior. First off, kittens bite and attack us as well as their entire environment to the point where they are acting in a predatory manner. It makes sense that they would also purr since that is something they would do with their mother and littermates. When a kitten is playful, they may purr and bite at the same time, but this behavior can also indicate that they are fearful of their new surroundings.

It’s also possible that aggressiveness brought on by petting is what’s causing the bite. Perhaps your kitten was purring while you were petting it, but then they became agitated, which naturally resulted in some biting, licking, and then biting again. These opportunities to teach your kitten to play nicely make these times crucial. When their inner hunter is awake, try to avoid using your hands and use different toys instead. Simply accept it as a compliment if they purr throughout this interaction and keep up the good work!

Should I Be Worried If My Cat Is Purring Constantly?

Cats purr both consciously and unconsciously for a variety of reasons, and there are several justifications for why a kitten would purr continuously. They’re probably showing you love if they’re doing it in your presence. It’s also possible that while others don’t believe that their cat is purring constantly, they are unable to hear the low purring frequency because the volume and intensity can vary. Naturally, it may be a sign of illness or depression, but persistent purring is insufficient to establish a diagnosis.

Keep an eye out for behavioral changes and exaggerated actions that typically occur in the litter box or with overgrooming. However, simply watching them is insufficient; if you are concerned about your feline friend, take them in for a checkup and make sure to continue having regular checkups as they age.

What Does It Mean When Your Cat Stops Purring?

While frequent purring is typically regarded as a positive indicator, some cat parents will undoubtedly become concerned if there are no purrs. Don’t let the absence of purring discourage you if you recently got a cat or a rescue cat. It may take some time for your new feline friend to get used to their new surroundings and you as their owner. You might notice that they start purring when you’re around once they start to feel safe and you make sure to spend some quality time with them. The sounds might increase in confidence and frequency over time.

A indicator of stress can be the sudden cessation of your long-time cat’s regular purring. While purring is a coping method, you might also notice a change in their general demeanor. Additionally, they might only purr when you’re not around. Your cat might feel neglected if you’ve been away from home more often than usual or if you’ve added a new baby or cat to your family, both of which can cause jealousy. Maybe you need to find new ways to communicate with your cat so you can restart the purring machine!

It’s crucial to remember that every cat expresses themselves differently, including through purring. A cat shelter photographer named Marjan Debevere claims that “all cats are different; some will never purr, and some will purr constantly.”