Ragdolls are truly one of the most precious, lovable cat breeds out there. More than just their backstory or looks, the Ragdoll has an incredible personality that makes them a perfect companion for most people.
According to the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA), the Ragdoll is the fifth most popular cat breed in the United States; people just can’t get enough of them!
- Coat Length: Semi-long
- Shedding: High
- Hypoallergenic: Somewhat
- Average Female Weight: 8-15 lbs
- Average Male Weight: 15-20 lbs
- Time to Maturity: 3-4 years
- Life Expectancy: 15 years
- Origins: Riverside, California
- Social: High
- Intelligence: High
- Kid/Pet Friendly: High
Personality of the Ragdoll

Ragdolls are one of the few cat breeds that are known and sought after largely for their personality. So what could possibly make the Ragdoll’s personality so highly regarded by cat fans around the world?
For starters, the Ragdoll is one of the most gentle and laid-back cats you’ll ever meet. In fact, their relaxed demeanor is how they originally got their Ragdoll name. Rumor has it that if you pick up a Ragdoll they will surly go limp, like a rag doll! While that’s probably a bit of an exaggeration, most Ragdolls will enjoy being held, played with and otherwise handled in a way that most cats would not tolerate.
Being laid back makes them incredibly easy to be around, but so does their affectionate and social nature. Unlike most cats that prefer to be left alone, the Ragdoll can’t get enough of their owner’s attention and can form close bonds with their owners. Don’t be surprised if your Ragdoll greets you at the door or wants to snuggle up next to you all the time!
Ragdolls are oftentimes referred to as “dog-like”, meaning their behaviors can sometimes be shockingly similar to that of a dog. They’re intelligent, loyal and even trainable! Your Ragdoll will make great efforts to understand you and they’ll soon learn your habits, preferences and body language.
Compared to most cats, Ragdolls aren’t the biggest climbers. Perhaps this is partially due to their relaxed nature overall, but you won’t find your Ragdoll trying to find the highest branch of the cat tree all the time, or attempting to venture to new heights on top of the cabinets or fridge.
Characteristics of the Ragdoll

One of the first things you’ll notice when laying eyes on a Ragdoll is their large size! Most people don’t realize how big Ragdolls are, averaging between 8 to 20 pounds. That gives even Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats a run for their money!
Ragdolls are also known for their plush, fluffy coat. Their considered to be a semi-longhaired cat, meaning that their coat can range from medium to long in length. Indeed, this means that the Ragdoll needs to be brushed every so often to avoid matting and tangling. However, Ragdolls tend to be better cats for people with allergies as they do not have an undercoat, which is very atypical of longhaired cats.
The coat of the Ragdoll is incredibly soft and silky, almost like that of a rabbit’s. This makes them delightful to hold and pet, both of which they certainly won’t object to!
While Ragdolls can come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, they all have a pointed pattern, meaning that their face, ears, tails and paws are all darker than the rest of their body. You can find the Ragdoll in colors such as seal, chocolate, lilac, blue and cream. And regardless of their body color, all Ragdolls have blue eyes!
Origins of the Ragdoll
Ragdolls are a relatively new breed, originating in Riverside, California only 50 years ago. Ann Baker set out to create the perfect cat, and after breeding an incredibly docile and beautiful cat named Josaphine produced the very first Ragdoll kitten named Daddy Warbucks.
It quickly became known that Ann Baker’s cats were some of the most laid back and lovable felines around, and she named her cattery “Raggedy Ann”, playing on her own first name and the famous rag doll. She even created her own cat registry called the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA) and registered her Ragdoll breed there for the very first time.
Although Ann’s association never really gained traction, the Ragdoll was eventually registered with the CFA and FiFe, and the rest is history.