Any search result for “Maine Coon” will show dozens of pictures of these giant felines, usually next to a person for scale. Indeed, their size is remarkable and one of the most defining characteristics of the Maine Coon.
The average weight of a Maine Coon is between 12 to 18 pounds. Males top out on the higher end, averaging between 13 to 18 pounds, while females are closer to 8-12 pounds.
The Biggest Cat in the World is a Maine Coon
Averages aside, some Maine Coons can tip the scales much, much higher. A Maine Coon named Stewie held the Guinness Book of World Records for Largest Domestic Cat, spanning 48.5 inches in length and weighing 33 pounds. While Stewie passed away in 2013, his legacy upholds the fact that Maine Coons really are the biggest cats in the world.
Maine Coons are Gentle Giants
Maine Coons are so nicknamed “Gentle Giants” due to their gigantic size but gentle personality. This contrast in their outward and inward nature is part of what makes the Maine Coon so lovable and easy to own. They tend to get along well with strangers and other pets, and make excellent companions due to their loyalty and social tendencies.
Size Comparison to Other Cat Breeds
It might come as a surprise that there are a few other breeds that are very close in average size to the Maine Coon. Ragdoll cats, for example, average between 8 to 20 pounds, which is technically slightly larger than the Maine Coon’s average size.
Siberian cats average between 8 to 17 pounds and Norwegian Forest Cats come in at around 8 to 20 pounds.
Regardless of the size comparison, Maine Coons do seem to have more outliers that are much, much bigger than their average counterparts.
Why Are Maine Coons So Big?

Many cat breeds are selectively bred for certain physical characteristics that define their breed. For example, the Sphynx cat is completely hairless, the Ragdoll has a plush, silky coat and the Bengal Cat has the markings of a leopard. But Maine Coons were not originally bred for their size; they simply came that way.
While we can’t be completely certain why some cat breeds are larger than others, we do notice that breeds from colder, northern climates tend to be bigger and have longer hair. Originally from Maine, the Maine Coon had to survive frigid winters, and their bigger body mass might have helped to keep them warm.