Meet Hammond.

He had to overcome the mean streets of the city. But wait, this wasn’t just any kitty, this was a precious, senior blind cat with the cutest chubby cheeks you’ve ever seen!
“He’s a 13-year-old bobtail, completely blind, super adorable, and absolutely overlooked at a shelter,” said Karyn Poplin of Kitty Adventure Rescue League, a cat sanctuary in Fort Worth, Texas.

“They were in a small rural, low traffic shelter so the odds of them making it out alive were very low. Hammond was there for about 3 months before I met him!”
But fear not, because Karyn came to the rescue and brought Hammond home with her.
And guess what?

This little guy settled right in and had no problem navigating his new surroundings. “He is a very smart feller and seemed to have ZERO adjustment period. His nose and his ears work extra well, so as soon as he heard the food bowl being filled up, he marched right on over to it,” Karyn explained.

Hammond doesn’t mind other cats, but he does have a bit of a sassy side.
“If they get in his way he will bark at them. It’s hilariously adorable,” Karyn chuckled.
And speaking of adorable, Hammond has become quite attached to one of the resident tuxedo cats at the sanctuary.
And when he’s not busy playing, he just loves having those chubby, adorable cheeks rubbed and being a total cuddle bug.

So, what’s the moral of Hammond’s story? It’s never too late to find true happiness, even if you can’t see it!