A friendly tabby named Sweetie decided it was time for a change after toughing it out on the streets. Meagan from Puppy Kitty NYCity, an NYC-based animal rescue, met Sweetie during a TNR project.

The frostbitten ears and the skinny, hungry appearance indicated a rough life outdoors.

“She walked right up to her rescuer for help,” Meagan shared. The cat, having “lived outside for her whole life,” immediately felt safe and started purring nonstop.

Sweetie was grateful for the food, shelter, and human affection, living up to her sweet name.

After receiving care for ear mites, vet visits, and being spayed, Sweetie transformed. Her playful and energetic side emerged as she discovered the joy of cat toys.

Rolling on her back, attempting to catch moving ribbons, and showing off her fluffy belly, Sweetie reveled in indoor comfort.

Meagan hoped to find Sweetie a loving family, and after a few weeks, that dream came true.

Sweetie found her forever home in time for the holidays. “Her adopter saw her picture and immediately fell in love,” Meagan shared. Now, Sweetie enjoys a life filled with naps, attention, and the love she truly deserves. Happy and content, Sweetie is living her dream life in her forever home.

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