A sneaky mama cat named Karaoke followed another kitty through a pet door into a house, all to ensure her upcoming kittens wouldn’t have to brave the outdoors.

When the family found Karaoke, she was heavily pregnant and quite the friendly furball. Mary Huckabee from Coastal Bend Cat Rescue shared, “They knew she needed help from a rescue because she was very pregnant.”

They quickly arranged a foster home for Karaoke, where she settled in with gusto. She got her name for her melodious vocalizations, which filled the room with delightful trills and chirps.

Karaoke wasted no time making herself comfortable, especially on her foster mom’s lap. She was over the moon to be indoors, her purr engine running nonstop.
“We let her live in luxury while awaiting the arrival of her babies.”
When delivery day came, Karaoke patiently waited for her foster mom to return. As soon as she did, Karaoke welcomed six healthy kittens into the world – three girls and three boys, named after karaoke hits.

“Karaoke is such a good mom. She dotes on her babies and loves to show them off. Her kittens get to cuddle up to the milk bar anytime and get soothed to sleep with purring lullabies.”

Karaoke’s foster mom is greeted with purrs and chirps, and Karaoke loves cuddles and ear scratches.

As the kittens grow, they become more adventurous, exploring their surroundings under their watchful mom’s eye.

“They are growing into confident, playful, adorable kittens. They love to wrestle and play. When foster mom visits, they pile in her lap for snuggles,” said Mary.

At almost five weeks old, their personalities shine through. They enjoy climbing and playing, and they’re not shy about demanding attention – especially at dinner time!

Karaoke’s days of worry are over. Once her mommy duties are done, she’ll be spayed and get to enjoy a loving forever home, where she’ll be the star of the show.