Chester, Virginia – Prepare to grab some tissues because this cat’s story will tug at your heartstrings.

Meet Ellie, a four-year-old kitty who recently became a viral sensation on Twitter, but not for the reasons you might think.

Twitter user @revengegrill shared Ellie’s photo along with a heartbreaking revelation: “Y’all. This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.” And indeed, it was.

Ellie’s intake form from the shelter revealed the heart-wrenching reason she was surrendered: “This cat was returned to the shelter because she wanted to cuddle her owners at night.”

Imagine being denied cuddles and comfort from your favorite human, only to end up back at the shelter because of it. It’s enough to break anyone’s heart.

But Twitter is not just a platform for sharing sad stories. It’s also a place where good-hearted people come together to make a difference.

In a heartwarming turn of events, Ellie’s story caught the attention of a cat lover in need of a furry companion. Just a few days after the initial tweet, @revengegrill shared the incredible news: “UPDATE!!! SHE HAS BEEN ADOPTED!!!”

And the best part? Ellie’s new owner didn’t waste any time in sharing adorable photos of their newly adopted feline friend, comfortably lounging on the bed.

We love a happy ending, especially when it involves a sweet kitty finding her forever home. It’s a true full-circle adoption story that warms the heart.

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