Getting up in the morning and heading out to work is already a bit of a struggle, but for one woman, the challenge is made even tougher by her cat’s heart-wrenching expression.

Meet Ghost, the feline companion of Reddit user Jes Klass.
Every time Jes is gearing up to leave for work, Ghost pulls out the big guns – those irresistibly sad eyes that seem to say, “Please, don’t leave me!”

Ghost’s departure routine unfolds in three stages: Step 1 – Eagerly waiting at the door. Step 2 – Holding the door open. Step 3 – Flashing the saddest look ever.
Ghost has earned the title of the “saddest cat ever,” thanks to viral photos that have even made the news.

Jes has shared numerous snapshots of Ghost on her Facebook account, showcasing his absolute adorableness and expressive demeanor.
“He’s my world and has really helped me with my depression and anxiety; he’s a great little cat,” Jes affectionately remarks.

Describing their bond, she adds, “He’s a really, really loving cat, and I think we’re a good pair.”
Ghost frequently pulls off that heartbreaking face, but it hits differently when Jes knows she’ll be away for an entire day.