Say hello to Cotton, the extraordinary cat with an incredible story! This little guy was living life on the streets, blind and struggling until someone stepped in to give him the help he desperately needed to see the world again.

Cotton’s journey began when he was discovered outside a home in Florida by Joe, the property owner. Joe couldn’t believe his eyes when Cotton emerged out of nowhere, hungry and in need. Carmen Morales Weinberg, founder of Animal Friends Project, shares the surprising encounter: “He said Cotton seemed very hungry, like if he had not eaten in days.”
It turned out that Cotton was suffering from a severe case of mange, leaving his eyes crusted shut and his vision completely gone. Joe, quick on his feet, grabbed a cat carrier, filled it with food, and, to everyone’s amazement, Cotton willingly walked right in.
Joe posted a plea on Facebook, and Carmen, who had experience treating cats with the same condition, caught wind of it through a friend. Without hesitation, she knew she had to step in and help.
The next morning, Carmen picked up Cotton and rushed him to the vet. The diagnosis confirmed mange, dehydration, and malnutrition. Despite the tough situation, Cotton remained a purring ball of resilience during the examination.

“He must have sensed we were trying to help him and he loved to be touched,” Carmen recalls. With care from Carmen, her husband Don, son Carlos, and daughter Elisa, Cotton began his road to recovery. Slowly but surely, the crust on his ears started to peel away, and his healing journey began.
Using coconut oil for soothing and providing ample water and canned food, Cotton’s transformation unfolded. Carmen shares, “Little by little he started to gain weight. It was a nice surprise to see that he had one blue eye and one yellow eye. His hair started to grow again.”

Cotton’s personality shone through – vocal, seeking attention, and wanting to be where the action is. Months passed, and the once distressed cat blossomed into a handsome feline who couldn’t get enough of love.

But here’s the twist in the tale – after three months of recovery, Cotton formed a unique bond with Carmen. Despite the plan to put him up for adoption, Carmen couldn’t bear to part with him.

Cotton, now a permanent member of Carmen’s family, spends his days lounging, playing, and following his mom around everywhere she goes.

It’s a heartwarming tale of resilience, care, and an unexpected connection that turned a challenging situation into a forever home for Cotton.