Meet Alesana and Sen, two kitties who were inseparable and shared the best of friendship throughout most of their lives.

“They were always the best of friends, hanging out, cuddling, playing, and their favorite pastime was cleaning each other’s ears,” shared Emma Pearce, Sen’s mom.

Sadly, their unbreakable bond faced a heartbreaking challenge when Alesana was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 8 and, eventually, passed away.

“How do you explain to a cat that their best friend has gone and won’t be around anymore?” pondered Emma.

In the days following Alesana’s departure, the family observed Sen, the 4-year-old kitty, mourning the loss of her cherished companion. Sen exhibited signs of grief, spending hours by the window and exploring the rooms where Alesana used to sit.

To help Sen cope with her grief, the family received Alesana’s ashes, paw prints, and a tuft of her fur. Emma came up with an idea – she decided to show Sen the tuft of Alesana’s fur.

“When Sen saw Alesana’s fur, she instantly started to lick it and rub her face on it,” Emma shared. Sen seemed to recognize the fur as belonging to her late best friend, offering a poignant and heartwarming moment.

“We try and give her as much love and cuddles as we can so she doesn’t feel too lonely,” added Emma.

This tender interaction has occurred multiple times, and the family plans to frame the tuft of fur as a lasting memory of Alesana. Additionally, Alesana’s ashes, displayed in an urn with her collar wrapped around it – identical to the one Sen still wears – serve as a way for the family to feel Alesana’s presence even though she’s physically gone. In this way, Alesana’s memory lives on, bringing comfort to Sen and the family.

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