A cat found wandering around a motel made a life-changing decision when he hopped into a car seeking help.

Shawna, in Burlington NC, noticed a black and white cat scavenging for food near the motel dumpsters. Sickly and hungry, she couldn’t leave him to fend for himself. After offering him some food, the friendly stray followed her right into her car.

“He hopped right in her car seeking warmth and shelter,” Sparkle Cat Rescue shared.

With Shawna’s concern and compassion, the friendly stray found himself a ticket to a new life.

Shawna reached out to Sparkle Cat Rescue, ensuring her newfound feline friend, Nick, would receive the medical attention he desperately needed.

Nick went home with Shawna that day, bidding farewell to his life on the streets.
The next day, Nick saw a veterinarian and was estimated to be eight years old. He had infections in his mouth and was missing some teeth, needing full dental work once healthy and strong enough.

Nick began treatment for an upper respiratory infection and started healing in the comfort of his new home. Despite his hardships, Nick remained trusting and affectionate, seeking out head scratches and reveling in human company.

“He doesn’t like it but willingly takes his meds and is eating well,” Shawna said.
With each passing day, Nick gained strength and filled out. Grateful for food and comfort, he insisted on being close to people, enjoying the companionship of both humans and other cats.

A few weeks later, Nick underwent much-needed dental surgery. Now on the mend, he can finally eat without pain or discomfort.
“He is one lucky boy that he got rescued. We truly believe he wouldn’t have survived much longer if he hadn’t been picked up from outside the business he was found at,” Sparkle Cat Rescue shared.

Nick’s progress is evident as he eats heartily and his coat and skin improve. He’s grooming himself again, free from the pain that once plagued him.
His history may be a mystery, but Nick’s future is bright, filled with warmth, comfort, purrs, and endless love.