Picture this: a furry feline adventurer, bold and chatty, strolls into the backyard of Detroit Community Cat Rescue (DCCR). With a voice as loud as his desire for attention, this tomcat named Sigmund makes his presence known.

Liz Haack, the Shelter Manager, recalls the day Siggy made his grand entrance, saying, “I heard a cat crying loudly in the backyard. Apparently, he knew right where to come.” Liz wasted no time and rushed outside with a can of food, signaling an invitation for the hungry visitor.

As the tin can opened, Siggy, the orange and white cat, dashed under the wooden gate, headed straight for Liz, and wasted no time in expressing his hunger and affection. Liz remembers, “He cried loudly until someone from the shelter let him in.”

After getting the green light from the director, Liz scooped up the friendly feline. “He let me pick him up with no issues and seemed so happy to be taken inside,” Liz shares. That’s when Siggy officially became part of the DCCR family.

Estimated to be 3-5 years old, Siggy was a bit weathered from his outdoor life. Liz notes, “He had likely lived outside his whole life.” But the rough exterior couldn’t mask his eagerness for love and attention, now that he was in a safe haven where he didn’t have to fend for himself.

“Sigmund was very outgoing. Even when I brought him inside, he was never shy or nervous. He was very vocal and demanded pets whenever someone was around at the shelter,” Liz says with a smile.

Described as a “total beefcake meets playful sweetheart,” Siggy quickly transformed from a tough-looking cat into an affectionate cuddle-bug with a purr motor that seemed to never stop. Despite testing positive for FIV, Siggy wasn’t about to let that slow him down from living a happy, healthy, and normal life.

“He loves getting brushed and lots of attention. He does not love other male cats, and when you stop petting him on his giant head,” Liz adds, sharing a glimpse into Siggy’s adorable quirks.

After spending months at the shelter, Siggy’s story caught the eye of a young man who fell head over heels for the sweet cat. The young man submitted his application, determined to give Siggy the happily-ever-after he deserved.

Now, Siggy has found his forever home, complete with a warm lap to sit on whenever he pleases. “Siggy waited a long time for the right person to walk into our shelter, to realize that FIV+ cats are deserving of love as well. We are so glad his time has come,” Liz concludes, celebrating Siggy’s journey from a backyard visitor to a cherished indoor companion.

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