In Atlanta, Georgia, a viral video is proving that you don’t need to splurge on expensive ripped jeans when you’ve got a stylish cat in the house!
In the clip, shared by Pablo Rochat, his cat turns into a fashionista as she tries to catch a laser pointer beam. As she pounces and scratches, she inadvertently creates trendy distressed jeans!
With each swipe of her claws, the fabric gets frayed, turning the once pristine jeans into a work of art. Pablo even showcases the finished product by wearing the jeans while holding his furry fashion designer.
The internet couldn’t get enough of this feline fashion moment. Pablo’s post garnered hundreds of thousands of likes and views across social media platforms. Instagram users joked about the cat becoming the next big designer for distressed denim lines, while others coined terms like “haute clawture” to describe the cat’s artistic endeavors.

Could cat-created fashion be the next big trend? Who knows, but one thing’s for sure – this stylish kitty has certainly left her mark on the world of fashion!