In Caldwell, Idaho, pet owner Katie Bertoni-Squibb had quite the spectacle when she introduced her parents’ golden retriever, Lucy, to the newest addition to the family—a four-week-old rescued kitten named Joey.

The adorable encounter, captured by Katie and shared on TikTok, quickly became a viral sensation, racking up over 14 million clicks within a week. Lucy’s initial suspicion and subsequent reactions to the tiny feline brought joy to viewers worldwide.

In the video, Lucy, the golden retriever, couldn’t quite figure out what to make of Joey, the new kitten. She wagged her tail excitedly but approached with caution. Attempting to play and challenge the small furball, Lucy even tentatively stretched out her paw towards Joey, sniffing and exploring the curious addition with great care.

After this uncertain introduction, Katie shared that Lucy and Joey have developed a strong fondness for each other. “They’ve taken a liking to each other,” she said. Now, the two furry pals are inseparable, enjoying playtime together.

Katie continued to share heartwarming moments of Lucy and Joey’s friendship on TikTok, with videos of the duo cuddling and rolling around. Their delightful interactions have garnered millions of views and a dedicated fanbase.

TikTok users expressed their love for the cuddly pair, predicting a unique bond between the dog and the kitten. “That kitty is gonna grow up thinking it’s a dog and that’s its mamma!” commented one user, capturing the sentiment shared by many. Another viewer wrote, “So cute! The doggy is really trying to be gentle with the little fluffy! They will be best friends for sure!”

Indeed, Lucy and Joey’s friendship has blossomed, bringing joy and smiles to everyone who witnesses their adorable interactions.

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