This kitty cat’s reaction to her owner petting a dog has TikTok users cracking up!
Zoey the cat is a real internet sensation. Her owner loves sharing videos of her on TikTok, and one of Zoey’s recent clips has gone viral with over 8 million views!
In the funny video, Zoey lounges on the floor in the living room while her owner sits on the couch, showering attention on the family dog in the background.
It’s almost as if Zoey’s miffed that her owner’s dishing out love to another pet. The grumpy kitty even turns away in a huff after glancing at the cuddling pair.
“The moment you realize you aren’t the favorite child,” Zoey’s owner captions the video, capturing the feline drama perfectly.

TikTok users can’t help but sympathize with Zoey’s plight. Some commented things like “D*mn I felt that” and “Why did this break my heart.” Others wanted to comfort the disappointed kitty: “He can be my favorite child.”
And then there’s another video where Zoey’s reaction gets even more theatrical. Once again, she has to endure her owner showing affection to her rival. “I can’t take it anymore,” the caption reads as Zoey dramatically flops onto her back. “Goodbye.”
“Most dramatic faint ever,” one user commented with a laughing emoji.
Let’s hope Zoey gets used to sharing her owner’s love with another animal soon. Otherwise, we might see more videos where she makes her feelings abundantly clear!