Here’s Bug’s incredible story of resilience and finding her dream home.
Bug, a spirited little kitten born with one eye and some facial deformities, found her way to a kind woman’s home, meowing for help. The woman, noticing Bug’s unique situation, reached out to Liberation Cat House, a cat rescue in Florida.

Ashley, a director and foster volunteer at the shelter, stepped up to help Bug, saying, “My previous fosters happened to have just gotten adopted, so I had the space.”

Bug, affectionately named, was not deterred by her congenital issues, including limited vision, one open eye with cataracts, a closed eye, one nostril, a cleft lip, and a heart defect. Ashley shared, “She survived as a kitten on the streets with extremely limited vision, which is no easy feat.”

Despite her challenges, Bug’s spirit shone through. “She has no idea anything is wrong with her and just wants to play and explore and do all of the things,” Ashley added. Bug’s playfulness and energy were unmatched, making her one of the most spirited kittens Ashley had ever encountered.

Bug’s recovery journey included overcoming an upper respiratory infection. With the best care, she grew stronger, explored her surroundings with newfound confidence, and showcased her unique play style, complete with a signature pouncing move.

Bug’s delightful antics extended to the office, where she offered her “help” by walking on keyboards and playfully engaging with anything in her path. Ashley noted, “Regardless of how well she can see, Bug is a happy kitten and is not experiencing discomfort from her eyes, which is what is important.”

As Bug approached adoption readiness, Ashley was determined to find her the perfect home. In an exciting update, Bug has found her dream home in Pittsburgh, PA.

Her new human has experience with special needs animals and is committed to providing Bug with the best care. Bug will have feline companions at her new home, including a 6-month-old kitten to be her playmate.

Bug’s journey, from the uncertainty of the streets to a loving home, is nothing short of amazing. In a few days, Bug will embark on a new chapter in her life, surrounded by care and companionship.