Guess what happened in Indonesia recently? This guy, Haryanto Pherwhirra Ramadhani, had a hilarious experience with his cat and couldn’t resist sharing it on Facebook!

So, his young kitty was having a grand time playing with his earbuds on the bed. But oh boy, things got a bit out of control – the mischievous feline managed to bite the earbuds in half! Naturally, Haryanto scolded his naughty kitty, who promptly ran off, probably feeling a tad guilty.

But wait, there’s more to this tale! An hour later, the cat made a grand return, not empty-pawed, but with a surprise gift for her human – a tiny snake! Yep, you read that right, a snake!

Haryanto was utterly shocked, exclaiming, “I was so shocked to see it return with a snake. Snakes are very rare in our area.” Quite the unexpected present, right? Although the snake couldn’t replace the ruined earbuds, it’s the thought that counts!

Haryanto found the incident so amusing that he shared the story on Facebook, and it went viral! The post received over 9,000 reactions and had around 6,500 shares. People couldn’t stop praising this caring cat, with many saying she was smart and trying to make amends with her human.

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