Meet Molly, the adventurous cat who turned hide-and-seek into a real challenge during her owners’ move from Glossop near Manchester.

Despite their best efforts and leaving out food, Molly eluded all searches, leaving her owners worried.

The plot thickened weeks later when the new homeowner heard mysterious meows near a kitchen wall. Concerned, they reached out to the RSPCA.

The situation took an unexpected turn when the animal welfare workers, facing a tricky spot, decided to call in reinforcements—the fire brigade.

With precision and care, the firefighters removed several floorboards in the bathroom above the kitchen, unveiling Molly’s hiding spot.

Despite her ordeal, Molly seemed skinny but remarkably healthy, as confirmed by an RSPCA worker. The clever cat’s hideaway adventure came to an end, and she was back in the spotlight, safe and sound.

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