A soldier named Justin stationed overseas in Romania had an unexpected encounter that changed his life. While on duty, a little black kitten emerged from the bushes and began to follow him around, day in and day out. It was like the kitten had decided Justin was the one for him, so Justin affectionately named him Salem.

Salem quickly became Justin’s loyal companion, finding comfort in napping on Justin’s lap or snuggling into his combat helmet – the closest thing to a bed he had. Despite the stray cat problem in Romania, Salem had chosen Justin as his person.

When Justin’s deployment ended and it was time to return to the US, he couldn’t bear to leave Salem behind. Determined to bring his furry friend home, Justin set up a GoFundMe page to cover the costs of transporting Salem to America.

In just four days, the kindness of strangers poured in, raising $4,000. With the funds, Salem received vaccinations and was flown across country borders. Justin then met a volunteer from a local animal shelter who agreed to help Salem make the journey to his new home in El Paso, Texas.

Two months after their fateful meeting, Salem arrived in the US, welcomed by his new human mom and a feline companion named Cheddar. Safe and sound, Salem was ready to start his new life in a loving family, all thanks to the power of compassion and a little black kitten’s determination.