Get ready to grab some tissues because this story is going to tug at your heartstrings.

It all started when someone heard a cat crying in the basement of an apartment block.

But they couldn’t quite figure out where the sound was coming from.

Cue the local animal rescue team to the rescue! They arrived on the scene, determined to find the source of the crying.

After setting up cameras and leaving the scene, another cat suddenly appeared, but she seemed wary of humans.

However, through the camera link, they watched as the cat returned and went straight to where the crying was coming from.

And there they found a ginger kitten who had lost the use of his back legs – and it turned out that the other cat was actually his mom!

But the rescue mission was far from over. The kitten was unable to make the difficult passage to get out of the basement, and his mother was powerless to help him.

He had no choice but to stay put, out of harm’s way.

Eventually, the rescue team found him hiding behind an abandoned filing cabinet.

But the kitten’s injuries were serious – an x-ray showed that his spinal nerves were being pressed due to a lifted vertebrae, and he also had fractured ribs.

Despite surgery, the vet told them that he would be paralyzed for life.

But then, hope arrived in the form of a woman who wanted to adopt him.

She already had five cats, one of whom was also disabled, and she was determined to give this little ginger kitty the love and care he needed.

They named him Superman because of his ordeal at such a young age.

The woman started giving him rigorous physical therapy, and much to everyone’s surprise, he began to show small amounts of movement in his legs.

She also provided him with a “wheelchair” so he could zoom around the house. And it turns out that Superman is one playful, adventurous, and energetic kitty who loves to have fun.

Thanks to his new family’s love and understanding, Superman has a happy life where he feels cared for. And that, my friends, is what we call a happy ending.

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