A young woman was sitting in a coffee shop in Korea during monsoon season.
It was pouring rain, and she kept hearing faint kitten cries.
After a few hours, she realized the cries were still there, so she braved the downpour and found a pitiful little kitten in a cardboard box out in the rain.
So she scooped up the box and ran home.
The tiny baby was so scared and didn’t want to be near her rescuer at first. But the woman didn’t give up on her.
“She was pretty skeptical of us for the first 6-8 months after we found her, even after feeding and attempting to play with her every day,” the woman, who goes by the Reddit handle blacknumberone, told Love Meow. But they kept trying.
“I convinced one of my coworkers to give me a ride to the vet the next day to get her checked out. I bought some formula and a human baby bottle (they didn’t have baby animal bottles) and fed the little thing. She was so hungry and would drink the entire bottle in less than 5 minutes.”
Over time, the kitten, whom they named Kitty, began to trust her humans more and more.
“Around 6 months later, she was a lot more relaxed around people. She would still hiss and play rough. When winter started to set in, though, she literally started to warm up (i.e. finding the warmest place in the house, i.e. my lap/chest).”
Finally, Kitty realized just how much her humans loved her and she came out of her shell. Now she couldn’t be anywhere without her human mom, and she would never again be out alone in the rain.
They brought Kitty back to the United States so she could enjoy her new life with the person she now knows as her forever human.
What a heartwarming rescue story! It just goes to show that with a little patience and a lot of love, anything is possible.