On the internet front, cats usually have this charming habit of gifting their owners with mice or other tiny creatures. But this particular feline, well, she’s got a more refined taste in hunting.
Meet Kee Kee, the cat who regularly returns home with a collection of stolen clothes, pilfered from unsuspecting neighbors.
Yep, you heard that right. Kee Kee’s loot includes socks, underwear, scarves, bikinis, and yes, even bras. Now, while the cat herself couldn’t care less, her owner, Georgia Careless, finds this whole thieving habit a tad embarrassing.

According to the Daily Star, this 21-year-old owner has taken matters into her own hands. She’s started returning some of the more valuable items to their rightful owners through the power of Facebook.

So, how does Kee Kee pull off these daring heists? Well, it’s suspected that she sneaks through open windows, doors, and cat flaps of her unsuspecting neighbors’ houses, embarking on her quest for “prey.”
Now, why the little rascal is so fixated on people’s undergarments remains a mystery that baffles everyone.

According to Georgia, this thieving spree gets particularly wild in the summer when folks tend to leave their doors and windows wide open. “She’s crafty and never seems to get caught,” Careless shared with the Daily Star. “There was one day where in the space of half an hour she brought us eight pairs of socks, one at a time.”
But wait, there’s more to this feline adventurer. Apparently, Kee Kee – or as she’s affectionately known, Naughty Torty – has a rather interesting friend: a tortoise who willingly shares his food with her. Or, the more likely scenario, our sneaky cat friend snatches the helpless tortoise’s snacks. “I’m pretty sure the food items she brings back are from a tortoise that lives a couple of roads up from us and nicks his lunch,” the 21-year-old quipped.
It seems that as long as there are cat flaps and opportunities for indoor mischief, Kee Kee is committed to continuing her daring indoor hunting escapades. What a character!