There’s an adorable video on TikTok that’s taking the internet by storm! It features Mel, a soon-to-be mom from Chicago, and her fluffy cat, Mingy. Unlike some pets who might get a little jealous when a new family member is on the way, Mingy is beyond excited about the upcoming arrival of Mel’s baby boy.

In the heartwarming clip, you can see Mel, who is 26 weeks pregnant, relaxing on the sofa. Mingy, her curious feline friend, approaches her and can’t take her eyes off Mel’s round baby belly. With incredible gentleness, Mingy sniffs the belly and even places her furry paw on it not once, but twice. Mel, moved by the sweet gesture, exclaims, “Are you saying hi to the baby? Oh my god, I’m literally crying. You’re so cute.”

This heart-melting moment was caught on camera and shared on TikTok, where it quickly went viral. In just four days, the video has amassed over 6.3 million views and 1.6 million likes! People everywhere are captivated by the undeniable bond between Mel and Mingy.

While many viewers were touched by the adorable interaction, one user expressed concern, fearing that the cat might attack Mel’s baby belly. It seems that fear resonated with others, given the overwhelming response to the comment.

Thanks to this viral sensation, Mel has gained over 51,000 followers on TikTok, and she’s been expressing her gratitude to her newfound audience. We can’t wait to see how Mingy and Mel’s son will get along once he arrives. What a wonderful way to welcome a new family member!

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